After we had exhausted a particular fund we would use for the home, I transferred some money to Irewamiri. When I told her, all I heard was “Okay”. At that moment, my mind went into research mode about the “Okay”. I began to ask why the response should be a mere “Okay”. What happened to “Darling, thank you”?
As I struggled with those thoughts, the one who hates marriages began to make contributions, too. Strange thoughts like, “She is so ungrateful,” and others began to come to mind.
I knew a battle had started. Immediately, I said to that devil, “I know my wife. I do not need you to introduce her to me. Do you ever think you can know her more than I do. My wife is not and will never be an ingrate”.
Then to shut down that strange thought, I decided to activate the principle of kindness. Instead of focusing on the thoughts that wanted me to see her as an ingrate, I settled the battle in my mind by pushing a little more. I had a small fund in another account. I emptied it all and sent it to her.
When she spotted the second alert, Irewamiri said, “Darling, thank you so much. You added an extra fund again. Thank you”. Then I shared how I felt she did not say thank you earlier. She said, “No! I said it dear. Maybe you did not hear. I am very grateful”.
The devil lost.
The devil is always looking for a single moment to strike.
Luke 4:13 NIV
When the devil had finished all this tempting, he left him until an opportune time.
You have been married for ten years, and you have made amazing sacrifices for each other but because he forgot to do just one thing, the devil hijacks the journey and tells you that your spouse is an ingrate. You believe a stranger and a liar.
You both have nursed each other back to strength many times in your years of marriage but with just one slip, the enemy comes in to tell you that your spouse is selfish. You believe it and begin to run with it. You followed the thoughts of a stranger and a liar.
Truthfully, mistakes happen, and men can slip below their best but that is the time to be kind. Deploy kindness and not unprocessed words. Deploy kindness. Use kind words to kick strange words out. Use kind acts to choke strange suggestions.
Learn to fight back with kindness.
Kindness has never lost. It never will.
When last were you kind to your spouse in the middle of a crisis? The crisis would have ended since. You are not enemies. You only chose to follow the narration of the liar!
temilOluwa Ola, Eruwa