About 12 years ago, when he sat in front of my desk, he told me clearly that he was not sure that he would stay back as a student at the Polytechnic in Eruwa. He was in his mid-teen years. Eruwa was not in his dreams. He was aiming to attend a Federal University, and he knew it was going to click.
We needed a keyboardist in church then. Interestingly, he ended up not even having to play the keyboard. God just used that to bring him into his training school for life and ministry.
Eventually, what was meant to be a brief stay became a full National Diploma programme. It began his initiation into business also. Today, he is actively leading ministry groups. He has sharpened his business skills.
That journey redefined everything for him. Eruwa is more home to him now than anywhere else. He found direction. He found his distinction. He found a family.
When it comes to the calling, God will use casual things to bring you into divine moments. If you misinterpret divine moves, you will miss divine moments.
Some have called a divine move “a mere noise.” When King David was moving to place Solomon on the throne, those who wanted a different path called it “noise.” They did not realize that something divine was going on- they already lost the Game of Thrones.
I Kings 1:41 NKJV
[41] Now Adonijah and all the guests who were with him heard it as they finished eating. And when Joab heard the sound of the horn, he said, “Why is the city in such a noisy uproar?”
He heard a sound that he interpreted as noise. When the Lord is making a sound to align and realign the called this season, may you be aware enough to know what the Lord is doing.
There are human moves, demonic moves and divine moves. There are things men are doing. There are things the devil is doing. There are things that God is doing. May you not be insensitive that you take a divine move as a mere human move. May the enemy not hijack what is meant to launch you into the company of God’s privileged vessels.
What moves have you taken for granted? It may look mundane, but look closer; that can be your signal. Do not choose what looks nice over what is right. Focus on what is right for you and not just what is nice for you. What is nice will feed your comfort and convenience and may result in complacency. What is right will feed your calling; it will demand consecration, but it will end in conviction that no man can steal from you.