I was taking an evening walk with one of my dear ones. It was during the early days of saying “Yes” to the Lord to return to Eruwa for the work of ministry just after service year.

She said to me, “_______ said that you are only being driven by youthful exuberance. That even if God has called you, why can’t He call you to the city?” I smiled and honestly did not know how to respond.

It took a while before it struck me that even if I wanted to exhibit youthful exuberance, it would not have been to a “more promising or lucrative” location like Lagos as the person mentioned. 

Beloved, if you sense the call to ministry, that sense of personal ambition must die. Listen, I am not talking about a lack of drive or desire for great things here. No! I am talking about that desire that promotes self without seeking the Lord.

Moses had a great desire- to liberate the Israelites. He even had the zeal and passion for it. He killed an Egyptian for that sake. He was mighty in words. He was a prince. He seemed to have the physical qualification to start a rebellion and break out the Israelites.

But it all failed.

By the time Moses entered the school of brokenness and God then called him for the work he had shown passion and zeal for earlier, Moses told God that he could not do it. Why? All sense of personal ambition had died.

Moses used to be a man of mighty speech. He knew how to talk.

Acts 7:22 NKJV

[22] And Moses was learned in all the wisdom of the Egyptians and was mighty in words and deeds.

When it was time for divine beckoning, he had lost all the passion he thought he had for the work. It took divine conviction to go.

Exodus 4:10 NKJV

[10] Then Moses said to the Lord, “O my Lord, I am not eloquent, neither before nor since You have spoken to Your servant; but I am slow of speech and slow of tongue.”

Ministry is an assignment. It is not something you give yourself to do. It is given by the Lord.

When my grandfather in the faith visited one of the patriarchs of revival before responding to the call to ministry, the patriarch asked him, “Have you attended your own funeral?”

Why? Only men who are dead to sin and self can follow through with a divine beckoning.

This should be your heart-cry everyday- Lord, let me die daily to the flesh and all its dealings. Lord, let me light up daily to the Spirit and all His leading.


temilOluwa Ola, Eruwa

There is love in sharing

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