When my dear friend saw the passion and energy that I put into community development without pay, she recommended that I register a Non-Governmental Organization. She would use her influence in the sector to drive projects to the organization.
It was a tempting offer. At least, I would be doing what I am passionate about and would still be getting paid for it. It all looks the same as Ministry to me – touching lives and doing good.
The words of my Pastor in Uyo did not leave me that season, “Pastor Temi, you need to decide early whether you want to pastor a church or run an NGO. It is not the same thing.” That voice saved me.
Another test you must pass in the calling is the “Test of Lesser Similar Alternative.”
It is very easy for an oracle of God to become an orator. It is very easy for a Preacher of Righteousness to become an Inspirational Speaker. It is easy for someone with a call to the nations on missions to become a motivational speaker. It is very easy. It will look like you are still in the calling but you are already out of it.
Listen, beloved one, Jesus had the opportunity to bless lives through many streams, but he knew what he had been sent to do. An offer of kingship would look like the key in the sight of any man, but Jesus knew it was a lesser yet similar alternative. He ran from it. Run from lesser yet similar alternatives.
John 6:15 NKJV
[15] Therefore when Jesus perceived that they were about to come and take Him by force to make Him king, He departed again to the mountain by Himself alone.
There are two things that can push you to these lesser similar alternatives:
The Push for Survival. If you do not push yourself to the height of your calling in God, survival will push you into lesser yet similar alternatives. You will run an NGO, become a consultant, or even a motivational speaker instead of teaching, preaching, and healing the sick. You will see easier financial pathways and follow them through.
The Stream you drink from. There is a stream you can drink and feed from that will make an orator out of someone who has a calling as an oracle. It will exchange power for platforms.
What will save you from similar, lesser alternatives?
In my short journey, I have seen that you must be clear about the sacrifices and demands of the calling. Trust the Lord to lead you to someone who operates at that height of consecration. Follow through like your life depends on it.
On the journey, when hunger strikes, know that it is a process. That process should teach you to put pressure on your faith. It will teach you absolute dependence. The man that comes out on the other end can never be the same.
Do you see the audacity that some of the fathers who went through the process speak with? They know their God.
Be sure whether you are the called or you want to become a consultant or “maybe” you are permitted to be both. Know the height of your calling and stay through.