As I prayed that evening in my office, I was seeking the face of the Lord some hours before our midweek service. We had started the Ibadan outreach. Then the Lord spoke, “You are the one to move to the land of Ibadan.”
I looked round immediately, I saw the very lovely office table someone had just given me as a gift. I was just having what looked like a desirable office. I walked out and around the church property. We just built. We were just settling to enjoy a little breather. It was beginning to look like it.
“Lord, move! Ah” was the first thought that crossed my heart. I strolled and kept praying till I said, “Yes! Lord”. I thought of the cost of many things immediately but as each crossed my mind, I kept saying, “Yes Lord”.
Beloved, in the calling, you must pass “The Test of Detachment from a Place”. There is no place that must be more important than the instruction of the Lord. Your life must be a faith journey. Here in the calling, we live in tents ready to move as the glory cloud shifts.
Think about Phillip the Evangelist: Persecution moved him from Jerusalem to Samaria. Then the move of God broke out in Samaria. He became the talk of the city- miracles and multiplication on every side.
The headquarters just started seeing him in a new light- a man called to serve tables now taking a city. The strongman of Samaria has bowed to the name of Jesus. Just when he should sit and enjoy the “fruits of his labour”, the Lord came with an instruction.
Acts 8:26 NKJV
“Arise and go toward the south along the road which goes down from Jerusalem to Gaza.” This is desert.
Not another city. Not a mega move. A desert. A whole city shaker is now sent to the desert! No one will likely celebrate this move with you.
But may the Lord bless us with a heart like Phillip’s:
Acts 8:27 NKJV
So, he arose and went
No arguments!
No hesitation!!
Just obedience.
Maybe when the Lord leads, it must be to a bigger ministry platform but guess what, this mighty move of God was because of:
“And behold, A MAN of Ethiopia, a eunuch of great authority under Candace the queen of the Ethiopians, who had charge of all her treasury, and had come to Jerusalem to worship.”
God moved Phillip from a city-wide revival to meet just one man! If Phillip was attached to a place, he would miss this move.
Pa E. A. Adeboye moved from the city to the “bush”. Now the bush has become a city. The only place where there is life is in the “move of God”. Outside it, we are nothing.
If you are called, you cannot be attached to a place. God can tell you to move! He is your commander. Is the “glory cloud” still where you are?
temilOluwa Ola, Eruwa