Just at the threshold of responding to God’s call upon my life, one of my very dear friends said to me, “Pastor Temi, I know you are going to do ministry in Eruwa while some of us are heading to corporate jobs. Please, do not call me for small things. When there is a need, call me for big things. God will give me the grace to be a support.”
At that moment, I did not know better. I thought this was an answer. I did not know it was a test from God. It took me about eight years to know. Why? This beloved one was really there. I would call and he would respond generously as the Lord blessed him. I tried to not bug him with a lot.
But soon, my calls were no longer picked neither were my messages responded to even when I just wanted to check on a brother. I learnt the practical side of “No one can sponsor divine assignment.”
I got perepective this year when my dear teacher mentioned that when he got called, three people told him the same thing as I heard. Once he landed at the place of his calling, they were the first three contacts he deleted. Why? He did not want to be tempted to look to man. His faith grew. His trust was deepened and the rest is history.
One of the tests you will face and you should pass in the calling is the “Test of Genuine Caring Sponsors”. They truly mean well but it always never ends well. It destroys the relationships you have built over the years eventually. Worse still, it steals the years you would have used in building your trust in God.
People mean well when they say things like, “Call us anytime you have a need,” but you must discern it quickly as a test that you must pass. If you look to men, your resources will be limited.
It will be limited to their mood. In my university days as a teenager, someone told me to call him when we had our next preaching trip. He said he would sponsor it. I was so sure. He had money. When it was time and I called, his response was alarming. I froze. He spoke like I was the one now begging.
It is limited to their income. No one can give beyond what they have even when they have a large heart.
Dear called one, press in to the one who has unlimited resources. As you press in, your faith begins to grow.
Proverbs 3:5-6 MSG
Trust God from the bottom of your heart; don’t try to figure out everything on your own. Listen for God’s voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; he’s the one who will keep you on track. Don’t assume that you know it all.
Do not lose valuable relationships because you will soon get offended when they don’t respond to you.
Do not lose the opportunity to grow in faith because you keep looking at human alternatives. It may look like a tougher journey but in the end, you will say, “Thank God I trusted the Lord”