Many years ago, in the booming economy, farmers would throw away blunt ploughs and buy new ones. The blunt ones were regarded as useless. The Holy Spirit inspired my Dad to go and ask for the used ploughs and stock them in a warehouse. 

He felt it was shameful to go around as a lecturer asking for used things. He did not obey the prompt. He could not imagine himself doing that. 

Some months later, the economy had a bad hit. People began to look for used ploughs to recycle by sharpening them. It became like gold- scarce and expensive. 

At that moment, my Dad knew why the Spirit of the Lord had inspired him in that direction. It was already too late to get into obedience. He missed out on a huge opportunity for wealth.

Dear believer, your capital in business is not money; it is divine instruction from the Lord. The Lord can instruct you about your business moves. You can do business with a prophetic advantage. 

Prophet Isaiah gave an illustration about farming (which was the prevalent occupation in their days): 

Listen to what I am saying; pay attention to what I tell you. Farmers don’t constantly plow their fields and keep getting them ready for planting. Once they have prepared the soil, they plant the seeds of herbs such as dill and cumin. They plant rows of wheat and barley, and at the edges of their fields, they plant other grain.  Isaiah 28:23 – 25 GNT

Guess who the prophet mentioned as the instructor of this person who invests in agriculture? 

They know how to do their work because God has taught them. 

Isaiah 28:26 GNT 

Never let anyone tell you that God has no place in business decisions. It is good to read Harvard Business Review, but if you are a believer, ensure you have a full subscription to Heaven’s Business Review. Get the latest update. You are not disadvantaged. 

Do you know the result of that businessman? Do you know the error margin in his business? Zero! 

All this wisdom comes from the Lord Almighty. The plans God makes are wise, and they always succeed. 

Isaiah 28:29 GNT 

They always succeed. Always! No loss. No downturn. They can boldly say, “We are helped by the Lord. When men say there is a casting down, we say there is a lifting up.”

They are Noah businessmen. They build arks by the hand of the Lord. Data does not favour their moves, but it makes sense when the flood begins. 

Are you guarding your capital well? It is not first about money. It is your fellowship with God. Job had that capital intact. He recovered all that was lost in double folds. Do you have it? You need it more at such a time as this.

There is love in sharing

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