He came into Eruwa with just one plan- enjoy his life to the fullest in service year. He has already had his portion of a fun life while waiting for service year. His plans were going well until he walked into Night of David.

A word came forth- “You are the son of a pastor, and you made up your mind to enjoy life to the fullest this season but God is calling you to a new beginning with Him”.

God intervened and his life took a different turn. Today, he is a minister of the gospel with an amazing family. He was set free from a life of sin.

Personally, when I was posted to my place of primary assignment (a local government secretariat), the head of personnel welcomed me with, “We have told them we do not need lawyers here, but I will accept you. We have an apartment for you and there are fine girls here too”. What a welcome. That would excite a man who has no fear of God. Not me! My purpose was more important.

If you did not catch the flames of purpose and the desire to follow God wholeheartedly during your days in the tertiary institution, please do not waste your service year.

If you served wholeheartedly while on campus, service year is not the time to rest. It is the time to accelerate. That young prophet took a rest on divine assignment, deception caught up with him. It led to his death. Listen! You are not there to rest. You are there to labour with the grace of the Lord to birth something great with your life.

This is how the Prophet Jeremiah puts it:

It is good for a man that he should bear the yoke [of divine disciplinary dealings] in his youth. Lamentations 3:27 AMPC

This time is divine. You must live a life of discipline. Make sure you do not miss the dealings of God for your life this season.

You cannot go on living without a purpose. Your life is not an experiment. You cannot go on just living for pleasure. There is more to your life than green bottles, sharp practices, guys, or girls.

You are standing on the prophecies of many years. You are standing at the same door that has lifted men into destiny. You are walking the grounds where prayers have been soaked. You are in the labour room of destiny right there.

Push! You have a destiny to birth.

Push! You are in the place of equipping.

Push! You are in the path of shaping.

Hear the prophecy of Hosea about you this season:

“When birth pangs signalled it was time to be born, Ephraim was too stupid to come out of the womb. When the passage into life opened up, he didn’t show”.

Hosea 13:13 MSG

I know your name is not Ephraim. But please, make sure you are not missing out on divine timing. Will you show up for destiny now? Yes! Now.

temilOluwa Ola, Eruwa

There is love in sharing


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