The thoughts in my head were not as smooth as the Lekki-Epe Expressway in Lagos. The romance between the tyres of the car and the road inside Victoria Island explained the moment I was about to have- a face-to-face time out with my brother-in-law (to be) and his spouse.
The best question of that night (in my honest opinion) was “How does your typical day look like?”. When a young man in “full-time” ministry wants to marry your sister, you need to be sure he is not one of the lazy ones out there. I reeled out my daily schedule. Guess I passed! (Because I have my wife now).
(Pause: Describe your typical day. Are you proud of it?)
Greatness is not known by daydreaming but by day-to-day planning and execution. Greatness begins with something as simple as a well-planned day. If you joke with your day, you are already toying with the future.
Do you know that even God took an appraisal of each day? From the first day to the sixth day, He continually examined the day and concluded on his performance for each day. He would say, “It was good”. What is the definition of a good day? A productive day.
Jesus, our Lord, attacked His day pretty early. As a matter of fact, his day starts long before dawn with a walk away to a solitary place to pray. If he left the house, he must have taken a walk. He then prayed. It looked like a combination of physical and spiritual fitness. Are you fit for the day, or are you always just dragging along?
A day that you wake up without a plan is dead on arrival. The root of success is hidden in your daily routine. You cannot say you are self-employed or you are a Pastor, and you are still lounging at 10 am, strolling with a towel around your waist, and maintaining communion with your phone. Except your business is Social Networking, you have no business spending almost the whole day on Social Media. Even those who make a living from it are not tied to it. A day that is a social success is already a business failure.
Greatness and Irresponsibility must remain two parallel lines. Greatness and Laziness cannot mix. To be great, you must be an example of diligence, commitment, and excellence. Preach it with words and conduct. Be indispensable at work because of quality delivery. Be so effective at work that you do not have to lie when you need to take time off.
If you are working from home, make sure it is work indeed. Take rest, but do not become a sleeping giant.
Diligence is a line drawer- it divides men into two- those who will stand before kings and those who will romance smallness! Which company will you be?
By the time you blink your eyes, diligence will have drawn the line- some people will realize that they have lost optimal performance and space among the best because things are shifting, and people will not emerge at the same level.
A crisis will always throw some people up while it will bury others. We do not make waves but with diligence and a sense of timing (and some guts), we sure can ride the waves.
Are you planning to be great? Begin with planning your day.
Remember the Psalms:
So teach us to number our days, That we may gain a heart of wisdom.
Psalms 90:12 NKJV
© temilOluwa Ola, Eruwa.