Some time ago, we were getting the girls set one morning when Danielle said, “It has been a while since we had devotion in this house. Daddy, why?” I did not know how to respond. I simply said, “We will resume family devotion tomorrow.”

The truth was, we had gotten so soaked in activities that made us abandon our routine. We no longer joke with our family devotion. Irewamiri and I were praying personally, but we were not involving the children.

First, any form of growth must involve some routine. If it grows, routine is involved. For instance, a farmer has a routine for his plants. A man running a poultry has a routine for his birds. Growth and routine go hand in hand. If you are committing to any form of growth this season, you must know that it is a commitment to routine.

Routines are like rhythms; once it is broken, the disorder is birthed. Respect those who have kept the routine of family devotion for years- your parents and grandparents. The generation that claims to be more knowledgeable is the one that is also more disorderly- in words, thoughts, and even our actions. We struggle to have personal devotion, and we struggle to hold family devotion, too.

Second, there is no recovery that does not involve routine. Medicine helps us clearly with this. Have you seen the way intravenous fluids (popularly called drip) work? It drops constantly and at a specific time. It keeps a rhythm. If it is rushed (no matter how much it is needed), what is meant for help can turn into another issue.

If you have been struggling with your spiritual growth, put yourself on a simple routine. Use the “drip” format. You can pray for ten minutes every three hours (including the night). It awakens your spirit.

Do not break your patterns or routine for growth. In medicine, drugs are taken with specific patterns. When you break patterns, you make recovery tougher.

Have you placed yourself on a regiment? What will you do periodically to enhance the state of your spirit? Do not stay in weakness. Get into the Word and Prayer. It will revitalize your soul.

Do not grumble when your parents or grandparents take time at devotion. That tradition has saved lives, raised giants, sustained marriages, and birthed answers to prayers. I still remember the scriptures we read morning and night at the “family altar.”

Do you still have a personal altar?
Do you have a family altar?

Remember, there is no growth without routine.

And they continued stedfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers.
Acts 2:42 KJV

What will you be steadfast with?
What must be continuous in your life?

There is love in sharing

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