A husband shared about how they were in a meeting, and while everyone else was saying sweet things to their wives, he was actually speaking out of bitterness and making his wife cry. He said, ‘I did not know how to be a husband.’ 

By the time he shared his testimony, there had already been a significant shift. Some people told him, “Your wife glows now. It is different from that first time, truly. Her beauty is coming out now.” 

I have seen occasions of women who died because the enemy weaponized the words of their husbands. When the devil wants to attack a home, he only needs the man (husband and father) to access such a home. 

The first place that Adam missed it was in omitting to protect the Garden as the Lord God instructed him. The serpent found its way into and around the garden and eventually found its way into the woman’s mind. 

There are fathers who lock their physical gates every night. They invest a lot into physical security but have left their homes porous with careless thoughts and carelessly spoken words. You cannot sow poison and expect to reap life. 

There are women who look older than their age because of the weight of words that their souls have borne. The shine is lost. The beauty is fading. The glow has disappeared. They look sickly. Why? The man who is meant to groom has brought a lot of gloom. 

When was the last time you wrote a note of appreciation to your wife? You wrote many love notes before marriage, but your ink has run dry now. Your excuse is that you have no time. Must the flower you replanted into your garden wither under your watch? 

Do you see something right in the middle of the qualities of the Proverbs 31 woman? 

Proverbs 31:28-29 TPT

[28] Her sons and daughters arise in one accord to extol her virtues, and her husband arises to speak of her in glowing terms. [29] “There are many valiant and noble ones, but you have ascended above them all!”

Her husband praises her. 

Her husband speaks of her in glowing terms.

You want a Proverbs 31 woman, but you feel entitled yet deeply ungrateful. You are already deceived. All you see is her faults. Do you realize that the reason why you see faults is because someone is making or has made efforts? 

Do you know appreciation will lead to ‘appreciation’? Everything around you appreciates. Stop complaining about everything. Find reasons to be grateful.  

If you come home to a disorganised home, be grateful that you have children. Thank her for blessing you with active kids. Find a reason to appreciate her. 

Dear husband and father, would you find something to be grateful for the next thirty days? You will be surprised how powerful gratitude is. 

Stop locking gates and doors while you poison your home with your mouth and your acts. 

©️temilOluwa Ola, Eruwa

There is love in sharing

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