After the early morning school runs, we had a little time to get ready and head to work. I stepped out of the room and saw Irewamiri pressing her phone.

The first thought that came to my heart was, “Why on earth would she be pressing the phone? Even the living room is in disarray. Is it because we have a housekeeper who comes thrice a week?.” Then the second thought landed, “She has been working all morning. She can catch her breath. What is wrong with your own hands?”

I followed the second thought and took care of the space while she was there. The “mistake” I made was to share with her what went through my mind and my decision to deal with it by taking on the task.

Some months later, she made a reference to that day, saying, “The other day, after a stressful morning, you told me I was lazy because we have a housekeeper.” I was totally confused. I never said so. I never intended so. I apologized. I explained again and again what I meant- it was me sharing my win over a strange thought. I did not expect it to have wrecked so much havoc.

One of the things the enemy does is to twist words until a web of offence is built. He is a web-builder. He will connect unrelated thoughts till he causes grievous harm.

Think about it- How did the fact that Cain’s sacrifice was unaccepted become so huge a challenge that Cain murdered Abel? What happened to “Abel? Can you share with me what you think will be better next time?” I thought that should be easier than murder.

The warning to Cain is still relevant to us today:

Genesis 4:7 NLT
“…watch out! Sin is crouching at the door, eager to control you. But you must subdue it and be its master.”

When you begin to lay one brick of unconnected thoughts on another, just know that someone is leading you to an end that will result in a crash. Be careful to “Take no thoughts from the devil.” He will twist words till they become a weapon.

Listen! Do you keep bringing up the past in conversations? That is the ministry of the accuser, the devil. Do not join him.

Does your spouse keep wondering, “Where are all these words coming from?” It may be proof that you have been in fellowship with the devil.

Have you ever listened to your spouse and wondered, “Is this my spouse, or am I hearing somebody else?” Most times, it is someone else. The snake has entered the garden. Deal with it fast!

There is love in sharing

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