I once had a colleague while on a course. She happened to be a daughter of missionaries.  We started a conversation one day about her journey.  She said to me, “My parents have done so much in missions that my own intent is to make money”. I heard what she had not even said.

Our stewards in the ministry gave a gift to our daughters and wrote a note on it, “Thank you for allowing Dad and Mum to do ministry”. Ah! It was one of the most thoughtful acts I have seen in ministry.  It is rarely seen. That seed of love is one of preservation.

Listen, there are sons and daughters of labourers who are caught in the trap of bitterness.  They are bitter with the church and everything it represents.  Some are even bitter with God. As much as they have a responsibility, the church also must be responsible. You may know at least one pastor’s seed that has made up his mind that ministry is a no-go area.

There are old pastors who have been neglected in “retirement”. They are now forgotten ones.

One of the areas we must work on is appreciating men who have laboured and are labouring. Please note the word “labouring”. It is not those who feel entitled. That is what the scripture instructs:

1 Timothy 5:17 AMP

The elders who perform their leadership duties well are to be considered worthy of double honour (financial support), especially those who work hard at preaching and teaching [the word of God concerning eternal salvation through Christ].

Let’s check:

Do you have a pastor?

Does his teachings bless you?

Does he stand with you in celebration and in tough times?

Does he labour in cautioning, correcting and coaching you?

If you say Yes to those questions, then answer this question:

When last did you show any form of appreciation?

1 Corinthians 9:11 ICB

We planted spiritual seed among you. So, we should be able to harvest from you some things for this life. Surely this is not asking too much.

Most sincere pastors will not place a demand because they do not want the ministry to be hindered. 

1 Corinthians 9:12a ICB

But we do not use this right. No, we put up with everything ourselves so that we will not stop anyone from obeying the Good News of Christ.

Start from somewhere:

– Send a text message of gratitude.

– Fix their data or call bills periodically.

– Make sure they have power so they can work nights. Most pastors are night workers.

– Take care of their family’s clothing needs

– Send them on a family time out or alone as the case demands. Some pastors’ wives have not had a timeout with their husbands in years.

– Support His children with scholarships

– Give them a car gift or drive them to meetings

– Buy them books that will bless them.

– Share teachings from them with others. 

– Ask the Lord to lead you.

I want to appreciate the church I pastor and my sons and daughters. We have enjoyed all of this. A genuine pastor lives a sacrificial life. He has even done much more at times.

Please, if you have a pastor that labours over you, go and do likewise.

temilOluwa Ola, Eruwa

There is love in sharing

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