One of the fathers in the faith who helped in the spread of the gospel all across our nation especially among young people as a Travelling Secretary of an Evangelistic Organization was honoured by one of the ministries in the land. He was already in his 70s when this happened. When I saw the update, tears dropped from my eyes. When I watched the event, I was even more emotional. Why? I knew this beloved father and his heart for the work of the gospel. 

On the occasion of his birthday some years ago, we tried all we could to celebrate him quietly in our little way. Even though he was thousands of miles away and leaving quietly, we got a brother in the faith to kindly reach out to him and give our gifts of love. The sense of gratitude that this beloved father showed was humbling. And yes! The brother we reached out to enjoyed private interaction and received fatherly blessings also.

Some men are silent labourers. They may not be in the limelight, but their labours made a lot of difference in our land. There was a time when he still hit the road preaching the gospel of Christ right after losing his son. Some men are just totally sold out.

As a young growing church, we showed appreciation to a dear steward. She would most times be the only one who would show up and clean up the church. It would take her hours sometimes. She would never murmur. You would not catch her with a sad face. She dealt with it joyfully. God sees those who labour quietly.

There was a special meeting where prophetic words were coming for those who were labouring in the kitchen with their ear plugged into the meeting.  God does not forget.

Hebrews 6:10 NKJV

[10] For God is not unjust to forget your work and labour of love which you have shown toward His name, in that you have ministered to the saints, and do minister.

Just like God does not forget, you must make up your mind to also not forget the silent labours of men in your life.

Think deeply- who are those who laboured over you that you seem to have forgotten today? We have a little rule- we must never forget those who contributed their efforts in the days of our small beginning. There are people enjoying opportunities today because of the silent labours of people they will never get to meet. They are only enjoying the harvest.

There are men that I rarely say “No” to. They played unique and silent roles in my journey. No matter how you part ways, do all you can to only remember their sacrifices and not their shortcomings.

Never forget silent labour!

Appreciate silent labourers too.

temilOluwa Ola, Eruwa

There is love in sharing

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