We needed to shoot a series of videos for a training school.  We began by looking at the equipment that will be required. We needed cameras, lighting, a great laptop and a whole lot. When we saw the long list, we asked ourselves, “What do we have that we can use?”

We ended up shooting the videos with someone’s phone and laptop. Today, over a thousand people have passed through Eleven School of Discipleship and half of them have successfully completed the course.

It is great to have a desire for perfection but the desire for perfection must not become the reason why vision is amputated. There is nothing you desire to get done that you lack the resources to take the first step. The problem is that we oftentimes do not appreciate what we have.

Beloved, if you can lift your five loaves of bread and two fishes in Thanksgiving, it can end up feeding thousands and still leave an overflow.

If David had forced himself into using Saul’s armour while despising his sling and stone, it would have reduced the impact of that amazing victory. God can do mighty things with what you have if you refuse to become a victim of unhealthy comparison and competition.

When you do not appreciate what you have, it will lead you into greed. Paul warned about the church at Corinth about this during the Lord’s Supper:

1 Corinthians 11:21-22 NLT

[21] For some of you hurry to eat your own meal without sharing with others. As a result, some go hungry while others get drunk. [22] What? Don’t you have your own homes for eating and drinking?

This attitude has led some people to borrow clothes to attend parties and make an appearance.

We, at times, have the attitude of Andrew. We look at what has to be done and what we have at hand, and we say, “What is this among so many?” You do not see the good or the strength in what you have.

John 6:9 NLT

[9] “There’s a young boy here with five barley loaves and two fish. But what good is that with this huge crowd?”

There is good in that little that you have. There is good in that sling and stone. Stop coveting the armour of Saul. There is good in that boy’s lunch, stop looking for a big breakthrough before you make the move.

I have learnt that things depreciate where appreciation is poor. Whatever you do not water will soon wither away. If you ever seen the Lord do mighty things with small and insignificant things, you will be grateful.

Appreciation also helps your faith. The Syrophoenician woman told Jesus about the power in the crumbs, instead of fighting for a huge loaf of bread. The crumbs she appreciated were enough for the healing of the daughter.

Are you grateful for the little?

temilOluwa Ola, Eruwa

There is love in sharing

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