It was the 4th of October, 2011. I heard the Lord say to me, “Son, every company builds its factory where the raw materials are. Go to where I have sent you”. I remember my blue travelling bag that housed my wig and gown. I could not imagine packing it aside for the rest of my life. I dropped a tear of surrender. A dear mentor told me, “Full-time Ministry is tough, but under God, it is worth it”.

Beloved ones, if we will be honest with ourselves, we must be grateful to God for those who had to go all the way for the Lord, even though it was hard to go. There are many who know that they are meant to be in a place serving the Lord, but they are stuck to their fears.

There is the fear of survival. They keep asking, “How will I survive?”. I always get to salute men who go all the way with God. I met a minister who relocated with his wife to the place of their assignment two days after their wedding. I was in awe of what men would do just to obey God. It was even the wife I saluted the most. By the way, the place of assignment is a small town. They relocated from the city.

Paul (presumably as the writer of Hebrews) mentioned that there were no doubts about the vision and the mission of the gospel, but he mentioned that there are times it is difficult to go. However, because he would do no other thing than obey the Lord, he would always obey no matter what.

Hebrews 13:18-21 MSG
Pray for us. We have no doubts about what we’re doing or why, but it’s hard going and we need your prayers. All we care about is living well before God. Pray that we may be together soon.

This is also the story of many who faithfully serve the Lord in the ministry.

Specifically, please pray for those who go into unreached places. Some face and encounter wild beasts. Unreached places are no longer just about physical location; there are also matters that take some guts to address in our world. The bold will always encounter beasts. Apostle Paul spoke about the “beast at Ephesus.”

We are in the days of beasts. Pray for those who summon the courage to go. They are our “Davids.” Their loss is ours. Their victory is ours. Pray for them.

There is love in sharing

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