After a marriage-saving counsel from my spiritual Father, I developed a pattern of regularly giving to Irewamiri. I stuck to it judiciously. However, something interesting happened one morning. I had given a certain amount of money to her the day earlier. I was in the restroom when the Holy Spirit said to me, “Give her another money, exactly the same amount you gave her yesterday”. The sweet thing was that the Holy Spirit told me exactly what she did with the one I gave her earlier.
I walked into the room and handed over that exact amount to her. You need to see my amazing wife grin with delight. She said, “Darling, how did you know that I needed that exact amount? You just gave me this yesterday also.” She was joyful and I was also.
There is nothing as beautiful as a home where both spouses can hear God and obey Him. There is a way it leads to seamless operations and great bonding at all levels. You will be surprised that financial bonding becomes easier and most of the issues you gave will begin to melt away.
In my short time as a pastor, I have seen what financial pressure, disharmony, and infidelity can do to any marriage. Do you know there was a season of our marriage when money talk was probably the toughest and the roughest? There was a season when Irewamiri decided that she would not raise financial demands with me. She said there was a way I responded either with silence or aggression. She tried to do what she could on her own. It was a bad model.
A couple that cannot discuss money is most likely not discussing any other thing at all. A man or woman must submit his or her pride to the Lordship of His Spirit. You must not be proud in abundance thinking you are the one in charge. No, you are not! You must also not be withdrawn in lack. It is still pride. You must submit that part of you to the Holy Spirit.
If your mood swings with your account balance, you have not mastered this submission yet.
If you are always having a reason to hide what you have, there is a huge challenge.
If you are undisciplined when it comes to spending, you need His help.
If you use your earnings as a tool to negotiate and manipulate, there is a problem.
If you doubt that the Lord can teach you, hear the prophet Jeremiah:
“My home is gone, and no one is left to help me rebuild it. My children have been taken away, and I will never see them again. The shepherds of my people have lost their senses. They no longer seek wisdom from the Lord. Therefore, they fail completely, and their flocks are scattered.”
Jeremiah 10:20–21 NLT
Before you lose your home, be the wise shepherd. Seek wisdom from the Lord.
temilOluwa Ola, Eruwa