I began to culture my day for the calling during my service year. I would spend much time studying during the day and would spend the night in prayers in our Christian Corpers family house in Akwa Ibom.
Those days, once I was done with office work at the law firm where I was learning, I would dig into books. I also supervised the programmes and planning of an outreach organization. We went to villages. We had teen outreach meetings, amongst others. I was preparing myself for the work.
It was easier to hit the ground running once I resumed work in Eruwa. I had a well-planned day. I had a structured night, also.
Dear called one, remember this and settle it early:
Ministry is work.
Ministry is work.
Ministry is work.
Anyone who tells you otherwise is preparing you to fail.
Paul made it clear to young minister Timothy that ministry is work. He told him to do the work:
But you be watchful in all things, endure afflictions, *do the work of an evangelist*, fulfill your ministry.
II Timothy 4:5 NKJV
You must do a thorough job. See it as your own job. Wake up to it. Resume at it. Keep your eyes on it.
But you—keep your eye on what you’re doing; accept the hard times along with the good; keep the Message alive; *do a thorough job as God’s servant*.
2 Timothy 4:5 MSG
It means you carry the passion of the work to heart. Let your heartbeat be about your calling.
*Carry in your heart the passion of your calling* as a church planter and evangelist, and fulfill your ministry calling.
2 Timothy 4:5 TPT
If you have seen a poor image of a lazy minister, do not copy it. As the called, you will work. You will spend time in prayer. You will win souls. You will disciple souls. You will prepare manuals relevant to the calling. You will master planning, execution, and appraisal of projects. You will learn how to manage people and resources. You must develop a large heart for the work.
Despite all this, some who are close enough will still tell you that you should get a job and work. You will find it hard sometimes to explain that ministry is work, but be calm; time will tell! Just be ready to face the work.