For a while when I settled in the land of Eruwa for ministry, when friends reach out to find out where I am, I find a way to dodge the question or I simply give a general answer like, “I am somewhere in Oyo State”. When they say, “Is it Ibadan?”, my answer goes like, “Not too far from Ibadan”. I was initially not fully accepting that God had sent me to Eruwa. I did not want the barrage of questions that came afterwards. 

Some months afterwards, I knew I had to accept where the Lord had sent me if I was going to give my best. I decided to add “Eruwa” to the end of my name every time I send out a text message. A dear brother noticed it and said to me, “I love your audacity and authenticity”. It took a journey to get there.

If you will thrive, you must understand that you have a portion in a divine project that you must handle. In Music, different parts make a rhythm. There is no wisdom in abandoning your own part because you feel it does not sound as beautiful as that of another. Sing your part.  It is part of the rhythm. There is a sound you must not lose. There is a portion you must not abandon.

Think about the words of Apostle Paul:

Galatians 2:8 NLT

[8] For the same God who worked through Peter as the apostle to the Jews also worked through me as the apostle to the Gentiles.

There is a uniqueness in who you are, the abilities you have and the assignment of God for you. Do not lose your originality because you want to blend in. There must be growth but do not lose authenticity.

I can never forget the time I was invited to speak in a church, and I began to preach attempting to speak very fast like an American preacher. I knew that I missed the mark.

I told a dear brother who was not the finest of speakers that he should not feel pressured that preaching was just one of the many duties of a pastor. He can excel in other areas.

Sometimes, the finest pastors are not the best orators, but you cannot deny they are oracles. They bring forth the Word of the Lord with power, accuracy and without losing authenticity. 

I know everyone wants to be a Deborah, but it was Jael who finished the war. What if your own mantle is not that of Deborah? May pressure not make Jael of the Tents become Jael on the battlefield.  Be authentic. We need Jaels too. You may not be a warrior in heels, you may be a warrior in aprons! You are still a warrior. You are a blessing.

Appreciate authenticity.

temilOluwa Ola, Eruwa

There is love in sharing


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