Just before the communion service finished, I had a prompt in my spirit to tell the church that we would be in our new building within the space of a month. We all knew the state of the building. It took some boldness and guts to make such an announcement, but I knew it was the Lord. I made the bold declaration. I did not bother to ask if they believed me or not. Even I wondered what I just said. I asked them all that we should sing and dance after the bold declaration had been made. We did.

God stepped in from that day forward. I remember that very night someone sent a seed for the building project with a backup note that he had always wanted to send something, but he did not get to do it for a while, but that night, the Spirit of the Lord would not let him rest. He added, “Pastor Temi, do not stop serving the Lord who will not give a man rest until he gives”. I have not seen this person in ten years. We rarely talk but God moved.

About two years later, I was asking some beloved ones who were in that meeting how they felt when I made that bold declaration, I was not surprised when they said they had their doubts but chose to believe what I said the Lord had said. In retrospect, God honoured His word. We got into the building less than a month afterwards.

Walking with the Lord takes boldness. Anytime you see a ‘Peter’ walking on water, you must know that it took some boldness to do it. When you see Abram leaving the familiar with his family, you must know that it took a measure of boldness to do it. When you see David running towards the giant with a sling and stone, you must realise that it took faith to make that move. When you see a ‘Nehemiah’ speak to the King and return to build the walls of Jerusalem, see a man who made a move despite his fears.

One of my favourite scriptures about Nehemiah as a man of vision was when the scriptures said that he was afraid, but he still spoke to the king.

“So, the king asked me, “Why are you looking so sad? You don’t look sick to me. You must be deeply troubled.” Then I was terrified, but I replied, “Long live the king! How can I not be sad? For the city where my ancestors are buried is in ruins, and the gates have been destroyed by fire.”

Nehemiah 2:2-3 NLT

Nehemiah said, “I was terrified, but I replied”

Listen beloved, if that statement ended with being terrified, we would not be celebrating a man called Nehemiah today. The word “But” made a lot of difference. If you can place a “but” behind that fear, you will make a move.

I was afraid of speaking about Christ but…

I was afraid of standing for the faith but…

I was afraid of starting that business but…

I was afraid of going where the Lord sent me but…

I was afraid of approaching Goliath but…

What would you have done if fear had not crippled you?

Who would you be if fear did not hold you down?

Some of the answers to your prayers are on the other side of boldness. Once you cross that bridge, you will see exploits. You will see mountains move. You will see valleys filled up. You will see crooked paths made straight. You will see the glory of the Lord revealed.

Do not die in your fear. There is more when you are bold.

Say Thank You today to someone who has been audacious about vision.

temilOluwa Ola, Eruwa

There is love in sharing

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