I was in a meeting many years ago where a minister of the gospel who had been in the ministry for decades shared. He spoke about how the Lord taught him a major life lesson that brought a shift into his life and ministry. 

I decided to practice what he mentioned. I also saw the difference in my life. I even shared with someone who came back to say thank you to me after seven years of practice.

Many years after my encounter with the preacher, I got an opportunity to speak in one of the meetings in his ministry.  I went with a “thank you” gift. He was not around but I shared my appreciation and dropped my gift.

He reached out a day later.  The amazing part was that he taught me another lesson. He gave me a gift also. It was five times more! I froze. I learnt another lesson.

You must value counsel. Where there is counsel, victory is easy.

Proverbs 20:18 NKJV

Plans are established by counsel; By wise counsel wage war.

If there has ever been a time when someone’s counsel helped you in life, family or business, make sure you return with appreciation.

If you have a go-to person that you would normally sample his or her opinion on matters, please show that you value that relationship.

There are businessmen and women who can trace that their businesses scaled to new heights because of a teaching by their pastors. Do not keep quiet about it. Return and say, ‘Thank you’. Do everything possible to preserve the channels of counsel in your life, especially weighty, sincere and helpful ones.

Anywhere you see a mighty work, great business, or strong marriage, look closely, you find that it is an offshoot of great counsel. Have you not read in the scriptures, “Great in counsel, mighty in deeds”?

Jeremiah 32:19 NKJV

You are great in counsel and mighty in work…

Do not just covet the great work, look for the counsel that produced it. Appreciate the counsel that produced it, and you can reproduce the same.

Do you get it?

temilOluwa Ola, Eruwa

There is love in sharing

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