A few months after I got into full-time ministry, I received a call from a dear brother who wanted me to join his train during his wedding ceremony. It was a role I would have loved to play with all joy. When I considered all it would take, I had to inform him that I would not be able to. He understood.

A dear friend called to pick up the bills for all I needed for the function. I had to ask if the person would be willing to pick up the bills every time I had to play the same role. It was better that I learnt what my season was then and mastered the art of contentment. They both understood.

One of the things that has hindered many in life is the failure to appreciate their season. There are seasons in life, and you must discern your season.

Ecclesiastes 3:1 NKJV
To everything, there is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven

There is the season of revelation. At that season of your life, you are catching insight into what you are to do with your life. You are coming to an understanding. At this season, you must be far from those who want you to be all over the place. No one gets pregnant in public. It is an offshoot of intimacy.

There is the season of preparation. At this season, you need the blessing of teachers and trainers. You need the blessing of encouragers. Like John the Baptist, you are in the wilderness until the day of your showing forth. Like Elijah, you must know when to hide yourself and when to show yourself. If you mix both up, you may be gone for life.

The major question Elisha asked Gehazi was, “Is this the time…?” You need to know your season to avoid making the wrong destiny moves.

The brothers of Jesus wanted him to show himself when it was not yet time. Jesus knew his season and refused to succumb to “deceitful motivational speakers.” May you not be motivated to make the wrong moves.

There is the season of manifestation. Even if you are at the backside of the wilderness, when it is time, no one can stop it.

Psalms 78:70-71 NKJV
He also chose David His servant, And took him from the sheepfolds; From following the ewes that had young He brought him, To shepherd Jacob His people, And Israel His inheritance.

What season are you in – Revelation, Preparation or Manifestation? May you not mix up your season. May you discern when to make a destiny move?

Hosea 13:13 MSG
When birth pangs signaled it was time to be born, Ephraim was too stupid to come out of the womb. When the passage into life opened up, he didn’t show.

The womb that should keep the seed can kill the seed if the seed outstays its season in the womb. May you show up at the right time.

© temilOluwa Ola, Eruwa

There is love in sharing

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