Olive walked up to me in the living room and said, “Daddy, your sponge is in your bathroom”. She held on to a sponge that looked just like mine. I told her it was not mine. “Daddy, who is the owner?” was the next question. I responded that I was not sure.
I told her to return it to their bathroom since we do not know we owned it. By the time I got to my bathroom, the sponge was right there beside mine. She had taken it to my bathroom instead. Now there was a challenge- I did not know which one was mine. Irewamiri even tried to help but we were confused.
Since we were confused and unsure of which sponge was mine and we did not know we owned the other one, we decided to discard the two while I got a new sponge to use.
I told Irewamiri that “This is what God meant when he said, ‘Because you were neither hot nor cold, I will spew you out of my mouth”. We took a deep sigh.
In destiny, beware of mixtures that dilute, corrupt and make your identity as a Christian doubtful. If we have to be asking whether indeed you are a believer, there is already a problem.
Surprisingly, believers are struggling hard to appear worldly, talk worldly and act worldly. When the instrument that should set the standard is faulty, there is already a problem.
Dear sisters, your cleavage is meant for the man you have cleaved to and not a cinema for the ones who have no marital covenant with you in any way. Stop trying to explain away the mixture, go to the altar and get sanctified.
Beware of mixtures that destroy. When the Israelites were attacked by Balak and Balaam, the divination did not stand because there was no mixture. But the moment, the daughters of land began to creep into the camp of the Israelites, the nation imploded. Sin weakens you. Mixtures weaken your defence.
Hear what God said again:
‘I know your deeds, that you are neither cold (invigorating, refreshing) nor hot (healing, therapeutic); I wish that you were cold or hot. So because you are lukewarm (spiritually useless) and neither hot nor cold, I will vomit you out of My mouth [rejecting you with disgust]. Revelation 3:15 – 16 AMP
Did you see what lukewarmness is? Spiritual uselessness.
May we remain useful.
temilOluwa Ola, Eruwa