I had an invitation to share at the Passing Out Thanksgiving Service of a batch of Christian Corp Members. I asked the Lord what to share about and the Lord said to ask them, “Are you Good to Go?”

When I stepped in, there was a lot of excitement in the year but by the mercies of the Lord, when we were done, discernment took over from just excitement.

Beloved, are you sure you are good to go? Do not rush out in excitement. Do not make decisions out of pressure. You cannot simply do it the way others are doing it.

There is a tendency to go the trendy way rather than wait to discern the right way. Most likely, in the days of Naomi and Elimelech, the ‘wise thing’ to do was to relocate to Moab. Relocation was not the issue, men had relocated in the past, but the issue was relocating without understanding what the will of God is.

There is something you must settle if you are a child of God- “Your worst days obeying God and walking in His will is better than your best days outside of His plan for your life”. That should be your stand.

Make up your mind not to be a fair-weather believer who has no insight or foresight. You cannot make decisions blindly because that seems like what to do.

Do you know the way that ended up as a death trap also seemed like the right way?

There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, But the end thereof are the ways of death.

Proverbs 16:25 KJV

It looked like the way, but the consequence is that it opened up many entrances for death- did you see ways of death? Many have gone and they have died spiritually. There are no flames of the divine in their affairs any longer. Unfortunately, like Elimelech, some actually lost their lives. Painful! Painful!! All the male seed was wasted by one poor decision.

Do you know what Naomi said when she came back to Bethlehem?

I went out full, and the LORD hath brought me home again empty

Ruth 1:21a KJV

Many will go out full of their ideas and thoughts, but you must learn that you are either full of self or full of the Spirit. You must ensure that you are emptied of everything that promotes self while you align with all that is of the Spirit of the Lord.

A father in the faith mentioned that he took a while waiting on the Lord before he commenced ministry, the Lord said to him, “I will not let you go as others went”.

As I wrapped up service year, I had beautiful options before me. Was it the plan to relocate for a degree and eventually settle abroad? Was it the plan to pick up a job in a city? But just a few days after passing out parade, the Lord said to me at about 4.30 am that morning, “A company builds its factory where raw materials are. Go to where I have sent you”. Then, I knew I was good to go!

Let me ask you again: “Are you good to go?”

temilOluwa Ola, Eruwa

There is love in sharing

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