My Mum taught me this spiritual lesson with her life: Mum lost her sight many years ago. In the early days of losing her sight, she wanted to sit down in her office. It was a chair with two arms. She felt the arm of the chair to get the right spot, but unfortunately, she forgot to touch the second arm. As she attempted to sit, she sat in an empty space. She fell to the floor. 

In her account, as she fell, the devil began to remind her of how hopeless her situation is now. She responded by laughing until she burst into praying in the Spirit. A pastor working in the ministry office heard the fall and ran to the door but turned back when he had the laughter and prayers, saying, “Mummy is just praying.”

That laughter in the fall and at the devil produced light and strength to navigate that season. Today, that light has birthed an institution that is thriving. 

No other book would be apposite to tell us about laughter other than the Book of Job. 

You shall laugh at destruction and famine, And you shall not be afraid of the beasts of the earth.

Job 5:22 NKJV

One way to kill fear is laughter. Destruction and famine may be staring at you right in the face, but your response must be laughter. There is nothing that you laugh at that can succeed in intimidating you again. 

Why do we find it hard to laugh at tough times? We are not loaded with understanding about the ways of the Lord. When we do not know the Lord and His ways, we enter into the realm of murmuring. 

He made known his ways unto Moses, his acts unto the children of Israel.

Psalm 103:7 KJV

You will never hear Moses murmur. He knew the ways of the Lord. If you murmur in the wilderness season of life, you will prolong your stay there. Laughter opens up your Spirit to light and instructions. Murmuring shuts you down. 

But with many of them God was not well pleased: for they were overthrown in the wilderness.

1 Corinthians 10:5 KJV

The wilderness intends to overthrow you. Your assignment is to remind yourself of who the Lord is and what The Lord has said. Arm yourself with the Word before the wilderness season comes. 

If your heart is not full of the Word and there is space for the devil to dump his thoughts, you will never be able to laugh at tough times. You will fall into the realm of pity. 

Do what you see God doing, and you will get divine results. 

He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision.

Psalm 2:4 KJV

When last did you laugh at the devil? When last did you laugh at challenges? Laugh! Get back on your feet. You were born to confuse hell and all its demons. Laugh! 

There is love in sharing

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