One of my beloved families, a dear son and daughter in the faith, became first-time parents, and I was in charge of naming their seed. I was awake, trusting the Lord for a Word to the parents. The naming ceremony was an hour-long service and the Word session was just about fifteen minutes. Early that morning, the Lord spoke to me. He said to tell him to “Father, that child.” I declared as instructed. 

There are two streams for rating a child as depicted by the life of Moses. Both streams are essential, but one is very critical. 

At this time Moses was born, and was well pleasing to God; and he was brought up in his father’s house for three months. But when he was set out, Pharaoh’s daughter took him away and brought him up as her own son. And Moses was learned in all the wisdom of the Egyptians, and was mighty in words and deeds.

Acts 7:20-22 NKJV

There are two houses here: 

First is The Father’s House. This is the place of nurturing conviction, identity, and covenant. He was reminded that he was a Jew. He was also taught that there is the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

The training in this house is very essential. It is a training that cannot be delegated. When the training in this house is not solid, we will lose a lot of Moses to the House of Pharaoh with a distorted identity of who they are. 

The second is Pharaoh’s House. Pharaoh’s House is like our secular education. It will sharpen your gifts and abilities. It will open the doors of politics, corporations, and commerce for you. It is also very important. 

The challenge is that many who were not immunized with solid training about their identity and the heritage of faith they have are now matriculated into Pharaoh’s House. They have become weaponized against the house that should have raised them. 

Some have become over-enlightened, and the light in them has become darkness. Have you ever driven at night facing the full beam of another car’s headlamp? You either have to slow down or stop outright before you can see again. 

Teach them the values they have in Christ. 

Show them the beauty of their God-given gender. Point them to the one who made them and is coming back for them. Immunize them spiritually. 

There are those raised in Christian homes today that have no Christian values. They have become Pharaoh’s spokesperson. The magic of the land has won their soul. There are those with Christian names but no Christ in them. 

Dear parents, let your home be the base of discipleship for your children. Teach them Christ. Show them the way. The church no one can shut down is the one in your home. Make sure it is stable, standing, and solid. Make sure it is ablaze. Give answers to the questions in the hearts of your children. Let them know their identity early. It will be a blessing in years to come. 

© temilOluwa Ola, Eruwa

There is love in sharing

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