I had spent the day waiting on the Lord. Just before breaking my fast that Saturday evening, I had an instruction from the Lord to hold on till after service on Sunday. I pushed through.

About an hour after service, one of the ministers walked into my office and said, “Sir, we had an accident on our way back from dropping off the children who came to church from _______”. I just asked, “Is everyone fine?”. She said “Yes”. I still sat in the office for about five or more minutes before I stepped out. I noticed the car was damaged to some extent.  I checked on the young man who drove and he was in great shape. I walked back into the office calmly.

The devil is a liar. The accident happened right at the entrance to the street of our home. My daughter was even in the car. He wanted to ensure every time I passed that place, I had a bad memory, but the Lord saved us from his plot.

About two years later, someone asked me how I was able to maintain such calmness in the face of the situation, I smiled and responded, “I already had the peace of God before the accident”.

Beloved, one of the ways to access the peace of God is to follow the leading of the Lord. There is no way you will walk through the valley of the shadow and fear no evil if the Lord is not your shepherd and you have responded to his leading through the green grass, still waters and the paths of righteousness.

Any peace you have outside the pathway of righteousness is suspicious and dangerous. It never ends well. Righteousness and peace travel together. You must respond properly to the Lord before you can enjoy his peace. When a righteous man loses his peace, he knows that is a divine memo on a matter from the headquarters. He slows down, downloads and reads it. Missed memos can lead to missed moments. Missed moments can lead to suicide missions.

Isaiah 48:17-18 NKJV

[17] Thus says the Lord, your Redeemer, The Holy One of Israel: “I am the Lord your God, Who teaches you to profit, Who leads you by the way you should go. [18] Oh, that you had heeded My commandments! Then your peace would have been like a river, And your righteousness like the waves of the sea.

The Lord can teach you to profit. He can lead you by the way you should go. When you respond to his leading, you have peace like a river. Never forget, that righteousness and peace are always in agreement.

temilOluwa Ola, Eruwa

There is love in sharing

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