One of my brothers gave his car to someone else to drive. The car overheated. The person did not see the warning signs. He kept driving the car until the engine stopped running. Obviously, that led to greater problems. 

One of the things that coming to the altar does is to reveal tendencies that you have that must be addressed. A man who boycotts the altar would keep showing tendencies of the flesh while ignoring the warning signs.

When the issue arose between Lot and Abram about pastureland, the tendencies of Lot began to manifest. 

It was obvious that Abram had been to a place and touched a reality that Lot had not. It was clear that Lot had missed an opportunity to crucify the flesh. 

What tendencies did Lot manifest? 

He showed that he valued things more than he valued God or God-ordained relationships. He did not care. Abram said there should be no strife. But for Lot, strife was not a big deal. He passed on that contentious spirit to his staff members. 

Lot also showed that he was carnal. He would make destiny decisions in carnal ways. He looked and chose a land that looked exactly like Egypt. The Egypt desire was still living strong within him. The taste and longing of Egypt were still alive in him. 

Before Abram made it back to the altar,  he had the same tendencies that Lot had. 

He made destiny choices with a carnal mind. He went down to Egypt in famine without seeking the mind of God. It was a survival move. 

He did not mind negotiating with covenant relationships. He placed Sarah in his arms because of his plans.  He was not bothered at all. He was comfortable riding over Sarah’s well-being to have his way. 

The difference between Abram and Lot was simple- One had been to the place of the altar while the other had not. One had laid down his tendencies in submission and worship. He had surrendered his desires. He submitted his choices to the Lord. His emotions were now under the Lordship of the One who called him. He would not make flimsy choices again. 

Lot battled with various works of the flesh: 

Galatians 5:20 TPT

[20] chasing after things instead of God, manipulating others, hatred of those who get in your way, senseless arguments, resentment when others are favored, temper tantrums, angry quarrels, only thinking of yourself, being in love with your own opinions, 

Abram had laid it all down at the altar.

Genesis 13:3-4 NLT

[3] From the Negev, they continued traveling by stages toward Bethel, and they pitched their tents between Bethel and Ai, where they had camped before. [4] This was the same place where Abram had built the altar, and there he worshiped the Lord again.

There are tendencies that can only be dealt with when you offer yourself a living sacrifice.  That is the place of transformation. Your mind is renewed. The tendencies you have to misbehave are brought under the Lordship of Christ. 

The man of the altar went ahead to become so great, but the man who lacked an altar started to blow until he burst. There was nothing to show in the long run. 

He took all the signs for granted. He ignored the warnings.  God rescued him from Sodom, but he still went back there until he lost all – marriage, family, and all he had acquired.  

What tendencies do you have? 

Are you still moving on like it is no big deal?

Have you decided to boycott the place of the altar? 

Are you building a house that will last or a house of cards? 

Show me your altar. I will show you a man that will last. Show me a man who lacks an altar, and I will show you a man who will soon expire.  

Which are you?

There is love in sharing

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