That morning, Danielle approached Irewamiri with a request, “Mum, I want to start learning how to cook.” What a great desire.
Olive would carry a doll (sometimes a teddy bear) and play the role of a mother without getting tired. They both have ‘children’ that they take care of. They would say things like, “Our children need to get ready for school.”
As a child, you tried to wear shoes that were bigger than yours. Raise your hands if you have ever walked some steps In bigger shoes. As a child, you want to wash the dishes when the sink still looks like Mount Everest. It was taller than you. They found a platform, and you achieved your goal.
If you are a millennial (some Gen Z’s too), you should relate to this- Do you still remember how you arranged stones, empty tins, and some grass pretending to be cooking a meal?
You did not have an idea of what works in a car, but you held on to the steering wheel while making imaginary sounds.
In my generation, most of us wanted to be doctors, lawyers, accountants, and the high-sounding ones, aeronautical engineers. Do you remember? But life happened with entrance examinations and we discovered there were options like Demography and Social Statistics.
What is the point today? There is a desire for greatness that has been wired into you. It has always been there from childhood. We called it childhood dreams but they were a programming of greatness. It was a beckoning to much more than your present state.
Can I ask you a question: Why are you shrinking away from greatness? Why have you then concluded that you cannot be more than you are right now? I know life threw you a curveball, but you must not stay in the negative.
Hear what the Lord has to say to you:
I alone know the plans I have for you, plans to bring you prosperity and not disaster, plans to bring about the future you hope for.
Jeremiah 29:11 GNT
I will bless you with a future filled with hope—a future of success, not of suffering.
Jeremiah 29:11 CEV
This is what was coded into you. Do not believe a lie. Dream and dream again.
My mum had always loved children. She keeps telling us how she cared a lot for children from a young age. After she lost her sight, she did not lose that dream. She resigned from her job but did not resign to fate. She started with two babies. Today, she oversees an entire school. That dream must not go to waste.
Joseph was a teenager when he had two dreams. Thank God for the blessing of youthful years. But there is a prophecy for the old also. Prophet Joel said by the spirit of the Lord that the old can still have dreams also.
“Afterward I will pour out my Spirit on everyone: your sons and daughters will proclaim my message; your old people will have dreams, and your young people will see visions”.
Joel 2:28 GNT
If you are asking, where do I start from? This answer is simple: start by dreaming again. You may be old, but you are permitted to dream again.
Abraham started when some people were thinking of retirement. Dream again. Caleb asked for a mountain to conquer at age 80 when some thought that life was already over. You may be old, but you are permitted to dream, and please remember, “Small dreams are not permitted”.
© temilOluwa Ola, Eruwa.