As a young student, the Lord began to open doors for me in ministry. An uncle of mine heard about what God did through my friends and me in a meeting and he was excited. He asked how we made it to the meeting, I informed him that we hired a cab. He promised that he would sponsor our next trip to the same meeting.

A few days before the next meeting, I called to inform him that we would be going to the meeting again so he could fulfil his promise. The kind of cold and sharp response I got was like a full ministerial course on “Trusting God Absolutely”.

First, be grateful to God when people desire to favour you. It is a sign of divine favour. Be grateful to God when people call you and they say “You just crossed my mind and I wanted to check up on you”. It is the favour of the Lord. Some people are forgotten.

Second, if you are called by the Lord to serve Him in one capacity or the other, get ready for the training on absolute dependence and trust in God. God will intentionally take you through moments that men you can vouch for will disappoint you. At that point, you must also not get offended because it is also your test. If you get offended and you do not see the lessons in it, you would shut yourself out of divine supplies. What the Lord wants to show you must be your focus and not the fact that a man is “showing” you.

It is better to trust in the Lord Than to put confidence in man.
Psalms 118:8 NKJV

In the place of absolute trust in God, you will learn to look up to Him alone. No one will ever share the glory with the Lord. No one will ever take His place. No man can sponsor the assignment of God- not even the one He has called.

The assignment of God for your life will always be bigger than your physical resources. It will always require training on absolute dependence.

It is in the cave of absolute dependence that shaping begins and it is in the furnace of total reliance that capacity is built.

Men of vision who lack faith in God will become average executors of His purpose. Some will become beggars- they are perpetually tied to the apron of “sponsors”.

Go through your season.
Thank God for men He will use.
Thank God for those who disappoint.
Refuse to be offended.
It is your furnace of making.

temilOluwa Ola, Eruwa

There is love in sharing