I was studying that morning in the city of Lagos. I was meant to start preparing my documents for a three-week visit to South Africa. The Lord spoke, “Johannesburg! No. Go to the place I sent you”. It was tough on me but tougher on those I owe explanations. I had to leave the very next day for the land of Eruwa. 

It took me five years to know why God told me, “Johannesburg! No!!” that morning. My mentor, who played a major role in that trip, told me, “I had lined up a couple of interviews in the guise of social visits. You would have gotten a job in South Africa and maybe forget about Eruwa”. He supported my decision to obey God by saying, “Temi, this is proof that you are not one of the desperate youths.” 

Seriously, at that point, if I got that kind of an offer, I would have negotiated the terms of the call with God. I would have postponed obedience. It was obedience and God’s mercy that helped me. 

There was the young prophet who was instructed not to eat or drink in the place he was sent to. The Lord also charged him not to return the same way he came. He obeyed until there was an offer by the older prophet. The offer was simple: come home with me and have a meal. He hid under the fact that an angel spoke. 

The young prophet followed him back home. While eating, the pronouncement came. It was a judgment- a heavy one. The surprising part is that the young prophet still finished the food. 

After the man of God had finished eating and drinking, the old prophet saddled his own donkey for him,

1 Kings 13:23 NLT

May you not be caught in the trap of pleasure that you cannot escape. May you not be derailed by attractions that lead to destruction. Some people know they are meant to be on a mission field for the Lord, but they have become stuck in an office for survival’s sake. 

There are men who have gone on a trip of no return. They are already asking themselves, “If I want to start now, where do I even start from?” 

May you not invest your years in what heaven will not count. May you not build Ishmael all your life without touching “God’s Isaac Project” for your life. Are you doing what will count? 

May the Lord help us to live according to what is written in the volume of the books. Amen. 

There is love in sharing


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