When I battled addiction, I came up with a great strategy or so I thought. I prayed and made a vow that the day I do such nonsense, the Lord should kill me. In fact, I used to say that my coffin should be ready. I desperately needed freedom but guess what, today I am grateful for prayers God did not answer.

Fear may work for a while, but it always fails afterward.  I still went back to my addictions couple of times. It was then I realised that I needed more than fear-induced curses, I need the light of God’s grace.

Let me explain- how many times did you give your life to Jesus Christ after hearing a message about hell? What happened afterwards? You took your life back. Why? Fear fades and you return to your mess. Fear burns fast but also burns out quickly.

Things change when you touch the grace of God. You get loaded with the Word of His Grace and you fellowship constantly with the Spirit of Grace. You also keep a company of graceful people.

Think about the woman at the well- she had been with five husbands and the one she is even with now was not her husband. She was on the search for freedom, but she remained in bondage. I am sure fear of a repeated experience made her continue a search, but she still fell into the arms of strange men. That is the story of any addiction, the cycle is repeated until you touch grace.

When she encountered grace, her search stop. Positive speaking may make you feel good but breaking a stronghold needs more than motivational speech. You must get into the Word of God and communion with the Spirit.

Jesus faced temptation full of the Spirit and full of the Word. If you get soaked in the Word and the Spirit, you will realise that your response will be stronger, and your resistance will be fiercer. You will give the devil no chance.

The devil will do all he can to keep you from the word and the Spirit of Truth that guides you into righteous living. Keep exposing yourself to both. These are two feet upon which you will stand. Fear will fail. Grace will always win.

Hear the Psalmist:

Psalms 119:9-11 NIV

[9] How can a young person stay on the path of purity? By living according to your word. [10] I seek you with all my heart; do not let me stray from your commands. [11] I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.

Stop cursing yourself.

Be open to His Grace.

Follow the Word and Spirit of Truth

temilOluwa Ola, Eruwa

There is love in sharing

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