When I told him that, “When next lustful thoughts cross your mind, simply say ‘No! I will not do that in Jesus name'”. He was shocked and asked, “Is that all?” I said ‘Yes, that is all.’ I then recommended a teaching on the Lordship of Christ since he asked for more *(You can download it at www.ngcc.church/messages)*

Some days later, he was all smiling. He said to me, “It is working. I did not know it was that simple.” I smiled, seeing the smile of a believer freed from the stronghold of lust. I then said to him, “Say No. Do not stop saying No. No matter the number of times such lustful, strange suggestions come. Keep saying No.” 

You do not battle thoughts with thoughts; you battle thoughts with words. The devil and his agents are rebuked by words. Why? They do not know your thoughts. The devil is not all-knowing. Demons obey you when you speak. 

Did you notice that there was no time in the temptation that Jesus kept quiet? He had a response for the devil from the Word. At a point, he rebuked the devil and told him to stay off. 

In our training by the teacher called “Grace,” we are taught to speak and not stay silent: 

For the grace of God has appeared that offers salvation to all people. It teaches us to say “No” to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age,

Titus 2:11-12 NIV

It teaches us to SAY “No” to ungodliness and worldly passions. It then teaches us to also live self-controlled, upright and godly lives. Your training begins with you learning to say No! 

Jesus rebuked the devil by saying, “It is written.” The Word of God was originally spoken so it could be written and written so it could be spoken. You turn what has been written into a weapon when you speak. 

So the next time you feel that lustful urge, do not just start thinking that you do not want to do it. Voice it out and say “No.” Let the demon hear that you are not taking its strange suggestion. Try it, and do not stop even when it seems victory has been won. Say “No” at every chance and every thought. 

When you practice speaking, the first thing you will notice is a change of atmosphere around you. It is the proof that you were not the one just thinking of sinning. There was a strange operation going on around you. Do not allow that atmosphere to persist. Change it by speaking. 

Jesus spoke no words all the way to the cross so that he could bear our sins and shame. Why? Just one word and the grip of sin would be broken. But he got that victory, so you can then speak and be free from every stronghold of sin. 

This may look simple but this is a major key to victory. When the devil says, “Look at that girl again,” “Click that link,” or “Get angry,” or “Steal some money,” just say “NO!” You will be surprised at what will begin to happen in your life. 

In the name of Jesus Christ, you are free from the grip of sin!

© temilOluwa Ola, Eruwa.

There is love in sharing

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