There was a time when I needed to travel. It was for an official matter. The office had released money for the trip. I was meant to use it to fuel the car. That morning, as much as I tried, I could it locate my driver’s license. By the time I saw it, it was too late for a trip.
Who does not know that the ideal thing was to return the money to the ministry purse? But thoughts such as, “What if you had bought fuel, would you have refunded the fuel crossed my heart?” When I noticed that the thought was coming constantly, the first thing I did was to call the office and tell those in charge of finances that I was refunding the released sum. I would not allow greed to make me consume what was not meant for me.
A dear father in the faith shared how the Holy Spirit warned him not to use an official envelope for personal purposes. His response was, “But it is just an envelope. It is cheap”. The Holy Spirit responded, “If it is just an envelope and it is cheap, go and buy your own”.
Greed is at the root of every sin. If you can uproot greed, you are going to walk away from most traps of the enemy. Let me explain:
Stealing is greed for a property or anything that is not yours.
Fornication is greed for another person’s body outside of God’s ordained timing.
Adultery is greed for another person’s spouse instead of investing in your spouse or waiting patiently for the time you would have yours.
Pride is greed for more attention than you deserve. Someone said that the proud person wants to be the centre of attraction everywhere. The proud wants to be the baby at the naming ceremony, the couple at the wedding, and if possible the corpse at the burial service. Pride can show in things as little as a sense of entitlement.
Greed exalts ” I”. “I” stands strong in the middle of “S.I.N”. Wherever sin reigns, “I” is never far. If you can deal with self, you can walk free from the trap of the enemy. This is why we crucify the flesh.
So kill (deaden, deprive of power) the evil desire lurking in your members [those animal impulses and all that is earthly in you that is employed in sin]: sexual vice, impurity, sensual appetites, unholy desires, and all greed and covetousness, for that is idolatry (the deifying of self and other created things instead of God).
Colossians 3:5 AMPC
Deal with the flesh. Deal with self. Do not let it have dominion over you. You will walk free from most traps of temptation. You will see the way of escape. You will walk victorious.
temilOluwa Ola, Eruwa