One day, the beloved one who manages one of my handles reached out saying that I was being attacked online after they posted the devotionals. The trolls were coming hard. Out of concern, she asked, “Pastor, should I pull down the post?” I had a good laugh and said to her, “Is that post the truth of God’s Word?” She said, “Yes, it is”. I told her that the truth can sometimes be offensive, but it also brings healing. We left that post and God used it to bring healing and alignment to many who would have been caught in the trap of strange things.

We are in interesting times where the truth has become offensive and lies have become attractive. We are in days where preaching is becoming motivation rather than bringing men to conviction. Pastors even want to speak with caution today so that certain voices are not offended.

Dear believer:

Prayer is one of the ways you fight alongside your pastor. Do you remember that what killed Uriah first was the withdrawal of his support system before the sword of the enemy?  When you leave the Pastor alone to face the battles, even when he wins, he may return too weak. Some pastors are burnt out today.

Romans 15:30 TPT

That’s why I plead with you, because of our union with our Lord Jesus Christ, to be partners with me in your prayers to God. My dear brothers and sisters in the faith, with the love we share in the Holy Spirit, fight alongside me in prayer.

Listen! No matter how sweet-tongued an unbeliever is, he is not fighting your battles. Deal with your poisoned hearts so you do not think the devil is fighting on your behalf.  When he is done eating up your perceived mutual adversary, he will eat you also up for celebration.

Romans 15:31a TPT

[31] Ask the Father to deliver me from the danger I face from the unbelievers in Judea.

Neutrality in the middle of battle is pure wickedness. There must be total clarity about where you stand. Stand in prayer so that a mob of unbelievers do not drown the voices of truth.

Social media must be a tool to advance the gospel and not a place of witchcraft where men are intimidated and silenced.

Prayer ensures that your pastor is continually refreshed and stays sharp. In that way, he becomes a blessing to you. If you notice that the sword is no longer sharp in your pastor’s mouth, get on your knees.

Pray that he will always bring a “sent word” from the Word. Pray that He brings that message with great joy so that the message is not stained with sadness of heart or watered down by discouragement. Pray that he continually declares the will of God and not the mere words of men.

Romans 15:32 TPT

[32] Then he will send me to you with great joy in the pleasure of God’s will, and I will be spiritually refreshed by your fellowship.

Will you pray for your pastor today?

temilOluwa Ola, Eruwa

There is love in sharing

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