A dear teacher was sharing about how she became really sad during one of her birthdays. Her friends came around, and they had just one common statement to make- “Tone down your spirituality.” They accused her that there were times they would be together, and she would ask for time to withdraw and pray. They felt she was being excessive with her spiritual discipline. They felt she was being spooky. Today, the difference is clear. Her life was protected from evil and error. She found and responded promptly to divine instructions.

One of the things that happens to people is that they set aside time to pray, but they end up not honouring that hour of prayer. We may be in the season of grace but we cannot do without discipline. 

As a child of God,  you belong to the kingdom of priests. 

Revelation 1:6 NKJV

and has made us kings and priests to His God and Father, to Him be glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen.

It means that you must understand priesthood for you to be effective in this kingdom. What do priests do? They offer sacrifices.

I Peter 2:5 NKJV

you also, as living stones, are being built up a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. 

You need discipline if you will be able to operate effectively as a priest who offers up sacrifices. Protect everything that will enhance your priesthood. Reject everything that will dilute your priesthood. 

For instance, if you want to wake up to pray by 1 am every day, you must ensure that you close the day early enough so you can have some sleep before that hour. Do not keep pressing your phone and watching reels till almost midnight. Protect that hour. 

In addition, you can decide to skip dinner or eat very light meals so you can honour that hour. If not, you will struggle to wake up, and eventually, if you wake up, you may struggle to stay alert and pray. 

Furthermore, you can decide that the last thing you would do is to read a portion of scripture before you sleep. You keep that scripture in your mind. Let your mind chew on it as you go to sleep. It will become your trigger to respond faster to the time of prayer. 

In priesthood, there is an altar, and there are sacrifices. If you are not ready to be consistent, you are not ready for priesthood. There are Fathers of Faith who have honoured a particular hour of prayer for thirty-five years and beyond. God does not despise those who honour him. 

Do you need a little reminder of your priesthood? What did you call devotion in your younger years? 

Personal Devotion was Personal Altar.

Family Devotion was Family Altar. 

Dear priest, do you have a personal altar? Dear family, do you have a family altar?

Protect your hour of prayer!

There is love in sharing

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