A dear father in the faith who happened to be a widower was being chased actively by a female friend. One day, amid rising pressure, he walked to his brother in the faith and said, “I am going to so and so person’s house to commit adultery.” The brother and himself laughed. That was the end of the trouble. Even the lady in question felt embarrassed that the secret was now out. Sin does not like being exposed.
The third stage before a fall is what I call “The Turning Phase.” It happened to Judah. It happened to many others also. Maybe it has happened to you before, or it is happening even now.
Then he turned to her by the way, and said, “Please let me come in to you”; for he did not know that she was his daughter-in-law. So she said, “What will you give me, that you may come into me?”
Genesis 38:16 NKJV
When the thoughts of sin are lodged successfully in your mind and not resisted, your mind becomes like a hijacked aircraft- sin and self become the pilot. The destination changes from the right way to “the way that seems right,” which ports at the “Destruction International Airport.”
Looking out the window of my house one day I noticed among the mindless crowd a simple, naive young man who was about to go astray. There he was, walking down the street. Then he turned the corner, going on his way hurrying to the house of the harlot— the woman he had planned to meet.
Proverbs 7:6-8 TPT
Interestingly, you will keep arguing and justifying why you are going that way. It can be as simple as “At least we will get married” or as deadly as “We did everything else, but we did not have sex.” You keep finding justification rather than judging that strange thought for hijacking your mind.
When sin begins to turn your neck and your legs, you produce the sound like the Apostle Paul described in Romans 7:
For I do not understand my own actions [I am baffled, bewildered]. I do not practice or accomplish what I wish, but I do the very thing that I loathe [which my moral instinct condemns].
Romans 7:15 AMPC
This is why you keep struggling with sin. Sin has hijacked your mind. It has moved it from autopilot to sin-pilot! The thought has become activated soldiers. Now, it is a war to stop pornography. It is a battle to stop masturbating. It is a battle to stop gambling. Why? Your mind is hijacked.
How do you stop this hijacked plane from landing at Destruction International Airport?
First, wake up your sleeping spirit. You have been desensitized. Your spirit needs the fluid of prayer and the word. Start praying intermittently but consistently. Study the word morning and night. Let the final thing in your mind be the word.
Second, do you see coup plotters also trying to take over the media? They want to announce that they are in charge. Let your mouth never be silent. You turn your thoughts by your words. You battle thoughts with words.
Third, recruit other soldiers who would not keep quiet and see Sin hijack the plane. Make sure their name is not Hiram the Addulamite.
Sin loves to be called other names. For instance, sin likes to be called a “personal struggle.” Fornication likes the name “pre-marital sex” “hook-up” or “friends with benefits.” Adultery likes the name “Extra-marital affair” or “fling.” Terrorists do not like to be exposed.
Here is the conclusion:
So listen to me, you young men. You’d better take my words seriously! Control your sexual urges and guard your heart against lust. Don’t let your passions get out of hand and don’t lock your eyes onto a beautiful woman. Why would you want to even get close to temptation and seduction, to have an affair with her? Proverbs 7:24-25 TPT
Do not let sin turn you. Deal decisively with it.
Listen to me, young men, and don’t forget this one thing I’m telling you— run away from her as fast as you can! For when you grow old you will groan in anguish and shame as sexually transmitted diseases consume your body. And then finally you’ll admit that you were wrong and say, “If only I had listened to wisdom’s voice and not stubbornly demanded my own way, because my heart hated to be told what to do!
Proverbs 5:7, 11-12 TPT
Do not turn!
© temilOluwa Ola, Eruwa.