I was still a single Pastor. I was visiting one of my friends in the neighbourhood. It was easier to connect with other young graduates. That evening, her fiance called. The conversation got heated a bit. I guess he was questioning her about where she was, who was with her and the character of the person. We just met some weeks earlier.

She got overwhelmed but tried answering as calm as she could. She was asking me questions earlier about what she referred to as “overbearing” behaviour. The moment she dropped the call, she burst into tears and said, “Pastor, it is because you are here. I would have slammed this phone on the wall”. She began to cry profusely.

By instinct, the first thing I wanted to do was stand up and walk to her side. Probably, put a hand on her shoulder and give her a side hug as I consoled her. But then, the Spirit of the Lord said to me, “Sit down where you are”. I was torn between two decisions. I sat down. I stretched my hands and consoled her from a distance.

Truth is, some men have gotten into trouble trying to console the opposite sex. Consolation time became temptation time. Before they knew what happened, “one thing has led to another”.

Tears have a strong magnetic pull on men. Make sure you are cautious even while trying to console the opposite sex. There is still fire in your bones. Do it with wisdom.

My pastor says that if a woman begins to cry while he is counselling her, he would excuse her for a while. Tears are powerful. Your instinct would be to draw near while the devil plans to draw blood.

Paul warned us that we should not be ignorant of the devices of the devil. He can use good intentions to destroy great men. Even if your intention is pure, you do not absolutely know the seed the enemy is trying to plant.

lest Satan should take advantage of us; for we are not ignorant of his devices.
II Corinthians 2:11 NKJV

What should you do?

First, build principles before you get into a situation. Without principles, you will likely follow your instinct. You can get into trouble that way.

Second, follow the instructions of the Holy Spirit. He will guide you into all truth.

Third, do not rationalize when you realize you are already getting trapped. Run. Run. Run.

May the Lord preserve you.
May you finish well.

temilOluwa Ola, Eruwa

There is love in sharing

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