There was a particular year that my dad was bedridden for months. He would lie down on his back. I was young but I still remember some of the episodes vividly. There were times we had revival meetings in our local church and the guest preachers would visit our home to pray for my dad. This was in the early 90s. He would walk painfully even with a walking stick.

One evening, a dear father in the faith, Papa Mike Oye, showed up at our house. That day I knew that God indeed cares about us. He was returning from a road trip from one of the West African countries and the Lord told him, “Head straight to Eruwa to pray for your son”. He drove all the way. There were no phones to call.

Upon arrival, he met my dad asleep. He did not want us to wake Dad up. He stayed a while and just as he was about to leave, my Dad called from his room. He said he heard his voice in his dream and woke up hearing him in real life. That was the beginning of a mighty turnaround in his health. Today, Dad has been standing on his feet ever since, proclaiming the goodness of the Lord.

Your own experience may not be that spectacular, but you need to be rest assured that the Lord cares for you, even now. You will not go through that tough or rough season alone. Listen beloved, the Lord said He will never leave you or forsake you.

 Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord will personally go ahead of you. He will be with you; he will neither fail you nor abandon you.”

Deuteronomy 31:8 NLT

God will not fail you. He will not leave you. The teacher is the closest in the middle of the test. He is right there.

Second, in tough times, you must be grateful to God for the blessing of relationships that the Lord can use to strengthen you. We thank God for the life of Job and his tenacity, but we can’t but be grateful to God also for the friends of Job.

Tough times are harder when you have to go through it all alone. The man with palsy had faith to be healed but he also had friends who would not give up on him. They carried him all the way and did not stop till they got him to Jesus.

In tough seasons, be grateful to God for His presence and the blessing of relationships.

In famine, Isaac had the benefit of hearing God, and he had the blessing of Abimelech, the King of Gerar who was Abraham’s ally.

May you not lose awareness of God the Shepherd this season. May you enjoy the blessing of great relationships.

© temilOluwa Ola, Eruwa

There is love in sharing

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