I still remember very vividly the woman in labour. I was about ten years old. She kept laying curses on her husband, who was not in the hospital at that time. As a young boy, I was surprised. They were too heavy for my head to process.

The matron cautioned her at different times, but when the elderly matron could not bear the weight of the words coming out any longer, she gave a ‘friendly hand of fellowship.’ That was the time that she stopped laying curses on her husband.

Words are powerful. Words carry weight. Has someone spoken with you before and your heart becomes heavy? What do you think happened to you? Their words rested in your heart and they come heavy. Has someone spoken to you before, and you broke down in tears? Why did you? Words are weighty.

Words are vital in the things of the Spirit. If the devil cannot get his words to penetrate your world, he will use the words of your spouse against you or your own words against yourself. It has always been his strategy of warfare.

“And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High…”
Daniel 7:25 KJV

Never allow the devil to use your words as leverage to have a legal hold on your marriage. Why on earth would you say unkind words to one another or your children? Why should you call each other stupid? Why would you say your spouse is useless? STOP IT!

There is nothing as difficult to address as a stranger that a partner or someone with authority brings into a home.

For instance, if you come into your house and you meet a stranger, you will ask, “Good evening, and please, who are you?” You can kick the stranger out. But the stranger answers and says, “I don’t have a business with you, go and ask your husband (or your wife).” you know that the stranger has a legal hold in that space until the matter is settled.

The devil is a stranger in many marriages and families, but there is at least a party to the union who has given the devil the legal ground to operate by the words they say.

There are depressed men, women and children who are held bound by the words of their spouses and parents. There are families in a perpetual state of lack because of words that have been spoken.

Words carry weight.
Words can bring joy.
Words can transmit pain.

You will have to choose what your words bring.

There is love in sharing

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