There was a time when we needed to get some electrical work done in the ministry. I was discussing this with the church engineer. He has come up with a solution that I felt was too expensive. We stood in the church hall and were considering solutions. Just like a light bulb, I saw what we needed to do. Amazingly, it slashed the cost to just about ten percent of the original cost.

From that day, we always challenge ourselves to think more about solutions rather than complain about what we did not have.

Friends, if you are full of complaints, you will surely not grow. Do not allow your mind to shut down at every first challenge you encounter. If you make it a pattern, you will soon become mediocre. When challenges rear its head, let creativity push you further.

I know of a dear father who saw the cost of buying imported medical equipment and decided to begin to research how to fabricate things locally. He became so proficient in fabrication that he earned a reputation as a biomedical engineer.

You will not grow if you allow complaints to shut your eyes from seeing the resources that are right under your nose.

This year, if they send you to get sugar at Shop A. If you get to shop A and there is no sugar, do not just return saying, “There is no sugar”. Please, check Shop B, Shop C and at least Shop D. Do not let them start asking if you went the extra mile. Do not say, “But you sent me to Shop A”. No! Do more. Push more. Get innovative. Find answers.

Everywhere you see challenges, look closely there are opportunities. Everywhere you hear complaints, look closely there is an opportunity. The person who provides answers will become the leader.

When it comes to your spiritual growth, discard excuses. Do not let your job be the excuse for your cold spiritual state. You have the time to check your WhatsApp status. You have the time for social media gossip. You have the time to hang out with pals after work. You have no excuse!

Growth requires willingness and guts. Only weeds grow my chance. Seeds must be deliberately cultured. Stop complaining.

Stop complaining about your marriage. What will you do about what you have noticed?

How do you overcome complaints?

Give thanks in all situations. Thanksgiving places your focus on God.

Ask the Lord for the Spirit of wisdom. It is the divine technology for solving problems.

Research. Some people have been where you have been. If they succeeded, why should you quit or fail?

Practice what you have learnt. The blessing is not just in the knowing. It is in the doing.

If you get it wrong, try again and again until you find answers. Just make sure you stop grumbling.

You elongate your wilderness seasons when you murmur or grumble. Do not die in the wilderness season because you are murmuring.

But with most of them, God was not well pleased, for their bodies were scattered in the wilderness. Now these things became our examples, to the intent that we should not lust after evil things as they also lusted. nor complain, as some of them also complained, and were destroyed by the destroyer.
I Corinthians 10:5‭-‬6‭, ‬10 NKJV

Stop complaining!

©temilOluwa Ola, Eruwa

Pastor preaching
There is love in sharing

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