As a young couple, we were trusting God for the fruit of the womb. At a point, it became a worry. We did some hospital visits. Then, we decided that we would not allow worrying about what we were waiting for deny us the enjoyment of what we had- we had one another! We became really joyful.
Irewamiri began to really have fun. Asides from her travelling for business purposes, she also had other trips. She travelled a whole lot. We even have a picture of her jumping on one of the trips.
Then, we discovered that she was pregnant. Guess what happened? Everything changed. The jumping around stopped. The travelling reduced. We became more cautious. Why? We discovered that she was carrying another life.
Friends, revelation and understanding is a game changer. Something changes the day you discover the weight of the destiny you need to deliver to your world. You will behave anyhow when you lack awareness about who you are in Christ Jesus and what you carry for your generation.
Have you ever been shocked how a bike man popularly called “okada” would carry a family (maybe a woman and two children) and would still be riding roughly? I always say a word of prayer that they arrive safely. But I get to ask myself, “If it was the Father of the home that was riding the bike, would he ride roughly?” Most likely not! Why? He has an awareness.
A driver can drive roughly when the owner of the vehicle is not in it. When you do not have Christ in your life or you do not have a consciousness that He is with you, you will be living a rough life. You will do things as you want. Awareness changes everything!
Do not hang around those who kill your awareness and sensitivity to divine things. Do not company with those who numb you to destiny matters. Run from them!
Everything changes for a pregnant woman. Everything changes. She now gets to eat for the future and not just for pleasure. She keeps a routine because of the future. She keeps appointments because of the future. She would not be caught in a fight. She knows what she carries.
Have you considered what you carry? Are you living with the awareness of destiny?
She defiled herself with immorality and gave no thought to her future. Now she lies in the gutter with no one to lift her out. “Lord, see my misery,” she cries. “The enemy has triumphed.” (Lamentations 1:9 NLT)
Give thought to your future and your eternity. May the enemy not triumph over you. May miseries not be your alarm clock to destiny.
temilOluwa Ola, Eruwa.