After telling Dad about my call into full-time ministry in Eruwa. He did not say a word on the first night. It was a tough one. The next day Dad said to me, “I thought you were coming home to tell me about your plans to leave the country or at least get a job. I was looking forward to having a son as a judge or a Senior Advocate”.
The next line still brings me tears, “Son, we have always prayed to God to send men to Eruwa. I did not know my son would be the first fruit. The pain I feel now is proof that God has called you”.
Beloved, if your seed cannot serve the Lord because you are afraid, it is a warning sign. You grew strong in the faith through consecration to the Lord but you want to hold on to your seed because of your fears
You named your son “Samuel” but you can not let him go to serve the Lord. You called him Isaac but you cannot lay him on the altar of obedience.
You find it easy to hide under the excuse of “I don’t want them to suffer” or “There are other ways to go about it”. Your child has become your idol. You have forgotten the Lord that brought you this far, your ward has become your golden calf.
Heaven looks down and wonders why you think that your son’s Masters Degree in Information Technology is waste in the mission field. Why do you think heaven deserves the best but not “your” best? It can be anyone else but not your seed.
There are even parents who left all to serve the Lord who has become the hindrance of the next generation because of “You cannot go through what I went through”.
Wealth without a mission and a heart for God will turn your stomach eventually.
Every seed that you hold on to as your idol is a generation lost in divine agenda.
A seed shall serve him; it shall be accounted to the Lord for a generation.
Psalms 22:30 KJV
Every time you see generational gaps in divine moves, someone held on to his seed.
A fearful parent would keep an entire nation in bondage. What if Jochebed and Amram were too shaken and afraid or security conscious to let Moses go? What would have happened to Israel?
Sir and Ma, is it the same process that made you a praying believer that you are passing on to your seed? Or have you softened and reduced the standard because “Faith should not be that serious”?
Those are warning signs!