It was the final class of our pre-marital counseling. Our counselor asked a very important question. He said, “What is one thing that can make you leave your wife?” I smiled and responded without blinking, “Whatever will make Christ leave the church.”

The Reverend looked at me with an interesting look and said, “Let us be realistic.” I smiled and said, “That is my reality, sir”. Interestingly, I had just been meditating on the fact that when anyone says I should face reality, I have found my reality, and it is Christ.

Colossians 2:17 NIV
“…the reality, however, is found in Christ”

There is no marriage that cannot work. Anywhere there is a separation, it is caused by a man- men who are not fully yielded to Christ.

Matthew 19:6 NKJV
So then, they are no longer two but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate.”

God joins together always. God wants that home to work. What separates is Man! Did you see that? No matter how much we try to understand it, God is not a party to that breakdown in the marriage- it is always man.

Men call the issues different names, but no matter the name you call it, it is never of the Lord. Every separation is based on the choices of men. One party in that union chose to, or maybe both parties at times.

Can God start a thing, and men separate it? Yes! The ministry journey of Paul and Barnabas began with such a divine outpouring. It was the Spirit Himself that spoke. They were even sent out by the Spirit.

Acts 13:4 NIV
The two of them, sent on their way by the Holy Spirit…

But was it the Spirit that separated them? No!

Acts 15:39 NIV
They had such a sharp disagreement that they parted company. Barnabas took Mark and sailed for Cyprus.

Did you see what caused the separation? A sharp disagreement! Barnabas decided to go on with Mark, His nephew. Paul also chose a new ministry partner for the work.

Acts 15:40 NIV
“…but Paul chose Silas and left”

If that marriage is not working, it is a man-factor- untrained man, unbroken man, proud man, unforgiving man, unrepentant man, or unloving man! No matter how bad the issue was, it was a “Man” factor (Man meaning both male and female party of the marriage).

What are you dealing with?
If you are fully yielded to God, it will work.
Who is your reality?
Is it Christ?
Can you love like Christ?

© temilOluwa Ola, Eruwa.

(If you are in the City of Ibadan, join us at our Monthly Couples Hangout; click this link to register for FREE. Strictly for Couples. https://tinyurl.com/ngcc-couples)

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