The day I was leaving Akwa-Ibom State after my service year, I remember that it was the Corpers Fellowship Bus that helped me to the airport. Amazingly, it was a full bus. I still remember the disappointment on the face of another colleague when she saw that the bus was already full.

When we got to the airport, one of the staff asked, “Who is travelling?” When he realised that it was just one person, he was forced to ask, “Are you the outgoing ‘papa’ (the president)? They said “No”. ” Was he an executive member?” It was still a No. Someone added, “We could have been more than this”. We had a good laugh. I did not occupy any office.

I even have a little journal of things that colleagues and friends wrote about me. Someone went around with a journal saying, “Temi is leaving, write a note about him”. I was really grateful.

I realized that my service year was dedicated to impact. On my last Sunday as a teen teacher in church, a teenager walked up to me squeezed something into my hands, and whispered, “Please do not stop praying for us”. They were all shocked that I was already leaving.

You do not need a title or an office to be a blessing. When God needed someone to reach out to Saul, the one who persecuted the church, he did not send an apostle or any of the pillars of the early church, it was a dear brother called Ananias. Ananias did a great work with the assignment of the Lord. He was initially scared, but he obeyed the Lord.

Now there was a certain disciple at Damascus named Ananias; and to him the Lord said in a vision, “Ananias.” And he said, “Here I am, Lord.”

Acts 9:10 NKJV

Can the Lord trust you to impact lives without a title? If your Pastor can find an “Ananias” in you, he would be so relieved and grateful.

What will make you an Ananias?

First, you are a disciple. It means you have made a commitment to hear, obey, and practice the teachings of Jesus. Such people do not need any prodding to serve the Lord.

Second, you are committed to your devotion. You know the discipline of a quiet time. You are devoted to praying and the study of God’s Word. You are disciplined. What a joy you will be. Ananias heard the Lord speak to him. What a joy to have someone who knows when the Lord is speaking. They are led by the Spirit of the Lord as sons of God.

Third, you are a disciple who can disciple others. You are constantly on the lookout for new souls to follow up till they are strong and rooted in Christ and the Local Church. Christ will surely be proud of you. Your pastor would have been relieved of great work also. The work of ministry and impact will also multiply that way.

You do not need a title to make any impact. All you need to be is a disciple. Disciples are men who follow Jesus Christ and are willing to go the extra mile for the Lord. They do not need titles.

Will you say to The Lord, “Here I am” also just like Ananias? That is all that is needed


Before we draw the curtain in May, I would love to hear from you. How has the devotionals been a blessing since you started reading it? Drop feedback via the WhatsApp Line available. I will be responding to as many as I can.

God bless you.

temilOluwa Ola, Eruwa

There is love in sharing

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