I was driving that evening through some of the city’s interesting areas to catch up on an appointment with my spiritual Grandfather. The GPS already told me it would take me about an hour to get to him. 

Some minutes into the trip, a tricycle rider decided to be naughty and squeeze himself into a tiny space between me and the next car. The fabricated iron on his tricycle hooked the car’s bumper; rather than patiently navigating. He began to pour out obscenities. 

Without a sense of care, he pulled out the bumper as he drove away. Some of his mates were already forming a sympathy gang. Well! I had to choose between getting out of the car and getting delayed or driving off to keep to the scheduled time of my appointment. I smiled it off and chose the latter. I had a greater appointment to keep. 

One of the ways the devil keeps men in the same spot is through the distraction of small, irrelevant fires. While you are fixated on the supposed fire, he is stealing something greater. The devil aims to destroy, but he begins by stealing- attention and other resources. 

Before you get distracted, you need to ask yourself, “At what cost?” What will I be losing when I take on this matter? If you have an appointment with the President of a Great Nation and your neighbour decides to step on you on the way out, you will not start speaking with that neighbour or pick up a fight. You have a greater appointment to keep. 

Jesus showed us how it is done: 

Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God. Hebrews 12:2 KJV

Jesus had joy set before him. He did not get distracted by what men did to Him. His focus was strong. 

Sometimes, the enemy had won the moment you got into the ring with him. Sometimes, going on when the enemy wants you to stop is actually your victory.

You cannot stop to respond to everything that throws a stone at you on the journey of destiny. You have an appointment with joy. Do not let the enemy use small fires to steal your attention.

Ask yourself: Is this worth my energy? What am I losing as I engage in distractive fights? Be careful of the fights you get into. 

temilOluwa Ola, Eruwa.

There is love in sharing

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