Two of my sons in the faith got admission to the University. They came to ask me questions and seek counsel. One of the questions was, “Sir, what would you do differently if you were to get admission to study at the University afresh today?” I did not think twice when I told them, “I would not waste time before I find and settle in a local assembly of believers, be it a church or a fellowship.” They both took my counsel for it. They have been greatly helped spiritually, academically, and even financially.
In a new territory (maybe you just got admission into a higher institution, you just got a new job, you moved into a new city, or you relocated out of the country), the first thing you should look out for is a company of believers.
Finally, we reached Philippi, a major city in the Roman colony of Macedonia, and we remained there for a number of days. When the Sabbath day came, we went outside the gates of the city to the nearby river, for there appeared to be a house of prayer and worship there. Sitting on the riverbank we struck up a conversation with some of the women who had gathered there.
Acts 16:12-13 TPT
Some believers have spent months in new locations and still have not connected to a group of believers. Armed robbers form gangs without advertisement, yet a believer finds it ‘hard’ to find a believer’s company. Do not be deceived. The devil knows that it is easier to catch a sheep that lacks a shepherd. Isolation precedes destruction.
A company of believers helps you to preserve your kingdom values. Some people lost their grip on their faith when they moved into new seasons. You begin to wonder what happened to them. Daniel had company in the other three Hebrew boys. They jointly stood and refused the king’s portion. They encouraged one another toward spiritual, academic, and career advancement.
A great company makes assignments and projects easier. A great company makes it easy for you to also grow in spiritual practices. For instance, Jesus sent the disciples out two by two.
After these things, the Lord appointed seventy others also, and sent them two by two before His face into every city and place where He Himself was about to go.
Luke 10:1 NKJV
A great company can also be your launching pad into greater things. Paul and Barnabas were launched into the great mission work from the believer’s company in Antioch.
You must be discerning when connecting to a company also. At face value, if you look at the company of Saul and the company of David, you will see King Saul with his elite, well-fed, and well-paid squad, and you will wonder at David’s rugged-looking men living in caves. If you are asked to choose a company, you will likely follow King Saul. It takes discernment to know that the company of Saul was expiring and that of David was a rising company. You do not just choose by looking at the outward. No! You choose by the eyes of the Spirit.
And if you think you can do life alone, take a look at this city and why it was destroyed:
There was no one to rescue them because they lived a long way from Sidon and had no relationship with anyone else.
Judges 18:28 NIV
And if you have the habit of despising your neighbours to run to your family far away, listen to the counsel from proverbs:
Do not forsake your friend or a friend of your family, and do not go to your relative’s house when disaster strikes you— better a neighbor nearby than a relative far away.
Proverbs 27:10 NIV
Build a great company. Keep a great company.
©temilOluwa Ola, Eruwa