In my second year at the university, I woke up one night because I had a test in the morning. I picked up my books to read, and at that moment, it struck me like light: “Have you ever woken up to pray, study or fellowship with the Lord?” That day, I decided nothing would ever come before my devotion to the Lord.

(Kindly note that I was not an unserious student. I was the type of student who drew red lines in my notes for personal study. I was the ‘I will be in the library after class’ kind of student. This is not to promote laziness).

You cannot grow spiritually when there is no desire for growth. Desire is the prerequisite for pursuit. Without pursuit, things will remain on a spot. Certainly, whatever stays in a spot will end up depreciating.

Jesus, our Lord, puts it this way: “Do not just seek the kingdom. Seek the kingdom first”.

But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.
Matthew 6:33 KJV

If you will grow, do not just enjoy God’s presence in your life; make sure you also make him your priority.

God gave you time. The devil wants you to waste it. God wants you to maximize it.
God blessed you with resources. The devil wants you to worship it. God wants them to serve you and His purpose on earth.

If you will grow spiritually, you must settle on what your priority is. There is a measure where you add God to your timetable. There is a measure of growth where you hand your timetable over to God. There is a measure of growth where you ask God for His timetable and you add yourself to it.

Are you worshipping things?
Are God and His kingdom indeed your priority?

If your priority is settled, your posture changes and your growth path is laid out, but you must be willing to play your part.

What is your desire?
What is your priority?

temilOluwa Ola, Eruwa

There is love in sharing

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