I was passing by a room in the NCCF (Nigerian Christian Corpers Fellowship) Family House when I saw a sticker on a door with the inscription, “Insight Bible Church… Empowering People for Excellence”. It stuck with me. I knew there was something different.

I knocked on the door of the room and asked, “Please, who goes to this church?” A lady corp member answered in the affirmative. I said to her, “I am following you to church on Sunday”.

The Lord led me to a church where my training for the future began. In that house, I went through a Christian Leadership School, my calling to full-time ministry was confirmed at least twice by my pastor and in a major conference, and I was blessed with relationships that have been and are still helping my journey in life.

In this season of your life, choosing a church family must be done by the spirit and not by sentiment. It is one of the first things to trust the Lord for. You do not have to taste all the first-time packages from different churches before you know where the Lord wants you to settle down and grow.

You have the Spirit of the Lord to lead you.

For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God.

Romans 8:14 NKJV

I have pastored for a while to see a painful trend- a lot of corp members would use the first few months to experiment. By the time they are settling down for their lives to be impacted, they have just three months left.

Settle it fast. Ask the Lord for the church family where He wants to plant you. The Lord is the one who plants the solitary in families. Stop playing truancy.

I would love to encourage you to be a part of the Nigerian Christian Corpers Fellowship.  It was birthed by prophecy. However, make sure you are also rooted in a local church even if you are the “papa” (Coordinator) of the fellowship at any level. You need to be pastored. You need to be groomed also. Do not get into the trap of “at least, we also meet on Sundays”. Be rooted in a church. I was almost making the same mistake.

Beloved ones who have been through this stage of life, can you share how finding a local church became a blessing for you in life and destiny with a corp member around you today? Your testimony can be the prophetic push that a young man or woman needs.

Finally, before you realise it, the one year will roll away. What will you be leaving with? Will there be a spiritual home that would have raised you for life and destiny that becomes a part of your journey for life?

I pray you wisdom.

temilOluwa Ola, Eruwa

There is love in sharing

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