Before I left for service year, I had already begun to discern the call of God for my life. The finest gift I got in camp was a small copy of the New Testament Bible. I carried it everywhere, and I read it every time I had a chance.
Once we got out of orientation camp, I began to utilize the night to read, study, and pray. I would take copious notes as I read. There was a time I read a book overnight because I had to return it to the owner the next day. It was a book about “Ministry and Pastors.”
At one point, a young lady who noticed that I sleep at odd hours accused me of being lazy, but someone responded, “Wake up one day at 2 am and see if you will meet him in bed”. I smiled.
Dear Corper, if you come out as raw as you went in, you will enter into the next season as a cheap dimension of yourself. Unrefined products are always very cheap. Take these few months as an opportunity to reinvent yourself. Do not let this season go by and you still come out the same way you went in. Give your destiny what it requires.
Spend time to find out (if you do not know) what gifts and abilities you have been blessed with. There are great resources locked up within you. There is gold hidden under that heap of excuses you are giving. Ask for open eyes to see. Ask for insight to know.
Spend time to fan the gifts you have into flame. It is called refining. Make a daily deposit into your life and destiny that will count in the future. Do not get carried away with the free time you have. Do not just “Netflix and Chill”. There are sometimes cheaper offers of certain opportunities to train that come at such times as this; take that opportunity.
Do not be passive. The book of Proverbs calls it roasting your game:
Lazy people don’t even cook the game they catch, but the diligent make use of everything they find.
Proverbs 12:27 NLT
A passive person won’t even complete a project, but a passionate person makes good use of his time, wealth, and energy.
Proverbs 12:27 TPT
Fight laziness. Make use of everything you find- time, wealth and energy. Be passionate. Be driven.
The day that monthly allowance stops rolling in, ensure you have created room for yourself because you invested in and refined your raw materials. Do you still remember that the gift of a man will make room for him? What kind of gift – raw or refined? Even if the raw opens the door, the refined version will keep you in the room.
Enter into the kitchen! Cook that gift. Return with a better version of you.
© temilOluwa Ola, Eruwa